This repository contains all large files, that do not fit in other repositories. Those large files are stored in releases, as there is no file size limit there.
These files can be useful when building a MakAir ventilator, eg. to quick flash a fully-working Linux system image to the Raspberry Pi for the Control UI.
To flash the provided Control UI system image on a target SD card, please first make sure that:
- You run a Linux-based or macOS system;
- Your SD card is at least 8GB (the image will fill 8GB of blocks, so it is optimized for 8GB cards but also works with eg. 16GB, 32GB, etc. cards);
Please follow the following steps to flash the provided images (on macOS):
- Note the mounted disk number with:
diskutil list
(for instance:/dev/rdisk2
); - Unmount all disk partitions, but do not eject them (can be done with Disk Utility in macOS);
- Flash the image to the target disk with:
bunzip2 -dc ./makair-control-ui-rpi-production-v2_3_0.img.bz2 | sudo dd bs=1m of=/dev/rdisk2
; - Eject the disk once flashed, and insert it in a MakAir ventilator;
Note that if connecting to the system over SSH, the user would be alarm
and password: alarmpi
. Once logged-in, the root password will be: makair
To update the Control UI contained in an existing image, please use a Linux-based system and follow those instructions:
- Download the compressed image from the releases on your Linux computer (for instance:
); - Open a terminal, and upgrade to root:
sudo su
; - Download your target Control UI version:
; - Extract the Control UI:
tar -xf v2.3.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz && rm v2.3.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz
; - Extract the compressed image (will take some time):
bunzip2 makair-control-ui-rpi-production-v2_3_0.img.bz2
; - Create a mount point for the image:
mkdir image
; - Mount the image ext4 system partition:
sudo mount -o loop,rw,sync,offset=105906176 makair-control-ui-rpi-production-v2_3_0.img ./image
(offset can be acquired withfdisk -l [image].img
); - Go to the directory containing the Control UI binary:
cd ./image/home/alarm/
; - Remove the previous Control UI binary:
rm ./makair-control-ui
; - Copy the new Control UI there:
cp ../../../makair-control-ui/makair-control-ui ./
; - Unmount the updated image partition:
cd ../../../; umount image/
; - Now, you can flash the updated image to a micro SD card and archive it to the releases (bzip2-compressed);