Every rated institutes or organization expect to serve instant customer greetings and basic interaction. As a virtual help assistant, a Chatbot might help on the spot of instant service. This article demonstrate how to create a simple Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS which is stands for machine learning-based service to build natural language into apps, bots, and IoT devices.
Currently Microsoft release a several packages that helps to build bots with various features. If you need more details please visit their Bot Framework SDK release notes and documentation on GitHub.
- Create a basic Chatbot
- Integrate Bot with LUIS
- Run and interact with it
- Visual Studio 2017 or later
- Bot Framework Emulator
- LUISGen in .NET, the Cognitive Model Generator for LUIS
- First go to Visual Studio marketplace and download: Bot Framework v4 SDK Templates for Visual Studio and install the templates on your visual Studio.
- Open your Visual Studio and choose create a new project, select C# as your language, all platforms and AI Bot as your project type. [Or search for Bot and then] select Empty Bot and hit next.
- Give your project name and complete the dialog box. It initiate a project of ASP .Net Core application with minimal codes and dependency with Bot Builder Integration.
- Build the project and run it. for verifying this all works fine. Generally all bot applications run on port 3978 on the local machine.
- If you haven't installed Bot Framework Emulator, download it from here and install. Go to your Bot Framework Emulator and open bot from: http://localhost:3978/api/messages If everything is ready, then bot will response with Hello World!
- Reply the message with something, now bot have no longer to response. But you still get a post 200 status response in activity logger of your emulator. That means the request was accepted.
- To get the response, back to Visual Studio and open your C sharp bot file. On empty project, generally it stands on project folder and named with your [ProjectName].cs, open it and find your class named
who inherits bot activity Handler,ActivityHandler
. Here you find the overridden method of OnMembersAddedAsync who responsible for your Welcome message on first request. - If required, use refactoring tool to rename the class
with desired bot name. Note: if you follow this procedure, you have to resolve the dependency registering service for your Bot inside yourStartup.cs
file. - On this bot activity class, override another method from
with samples goes here:
public class HealthAssistantBot : ActivityHandler
protected override async Task OnMessageActivityAsync(ITurnContext<IMessageActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var replyText = $"Echo: {turnContext.Activity.Text}";
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(replyText, replyText), cancellationToken);
- This message activity turns your Emptybot into Echobot. Rebuild it and run. Hit something from emulator and Enjoy.
- Now we have to initiate LUIS. To Start with LUIS, please go to LUIS.ai, Sign Up with your Microsoft account. If you have any Azure subscription, use it, otherwise start for 3 month free trials.
- Go to LUIS Application menu and create new app or import your app in JSON Configuration format.
- Create your entities, normalize with their synonyms. Then model your intents and configure them with Utterances.
- Within your expected training data set, train your App and publish it for production.
- Get your Application Id from Application Manage Tab -> Settings -> Application Information
- Get your API Key from Application Manage Tab -> Settings -> Azure Resources -> Primary key
- Get your Application Host Name from Application Manage Tab -> Settings -> Azure Resources -> Endpoint Url {only between https:// and /LUIS, i.e.: westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com}
- To retrieve your application configuration again go to Application Manage Tab -> Settings -> Versions and check your required version of your app, then hit export.
- Copy the response data and Store it in a new JSON Configuration File.
- Copy the JSON Configuration file and store it inside your Visual Studio project file. Hence the main application stands for ASP .NET Core, I recommend about storing this file in a sub directory [named CognitiveModels/LUISModels] of main project.
- Run DOT NET CLI on this directory and hit
LUISGen .\ [nameofapp].json -cs LUIS.[namewanted_as_cs] -o
- For further documentation, please review LUISGen Documentation. Now the cognitive model is ready for deploy.
- Open Solution Explorer for your project in Visual Studio and check the new generated C# Cognitive Model. If you faced any error inside the C# model file, Use refactoring/rename it by following correct convention and replace all of it's references.
Go to the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio. Right click on your project and hit Manage NuGet Packages. From the NuGet Package Manager of your project, install these packages:
Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.LUIS which have dependency on LUIS Runtime.
- Hence we create project from Bot Framework Sdk template, so it already installed the Integration for ASP .Net Core.
- If you need any of Data Type Recognizer within cognitive model, Please install them. For example: I have installed Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DataTypes.TimexExpression
- Now verify your package references for confirming all required package are installed successfully.
- From the solution explorer, Go to your
file and include configuration for your LUIS app: your Application Id, API Key and Application Host Name that you retrieved in Step5. Samples Goes here, Obviously you have to replace the AppId, APIKey and HostName.
"MicrosoftAppId": "",
"MicrosoftAppPassword": "",
"LuisAppId": "555630a2-f219-4d9b-be45-a330f398955a",
"LuisAPIKey": "dd1b7ab89b6e417d90080a07ce332073",
"LuisAPIHostName": "westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com"
- To apply the functionalities of Language Understanding(LUIS), now we have to design a recognizer who responsible for sending request with your activity message to cognitive service endpoint and fetch the matching scores for entities and intents for the instance. Design a recognizer class for your LUIS model that inherits Microsoft.Bot.Builder.IRecognizer, Here you have to implements two missing members
Task<T> RecognizeAsync<T>()
andTask<RecognizerResult> RecognizeAsync()
. - Before implementing these missing members, create a readonly object for
public class HealthAssistantRecognizer : IRecognizer
private readonly LuisRecognizer _recognizer;
- Before using the LUISRecognizer object, create a constructor for your recognizer class with parameter of IConfiguration. Here you have to check LUIS configurations what you configure in
. Load the configurations and initiate a LUIS application from it. - By this LUIS application inside your constructor, create a LUIS recognizer option and set prediction options with instance. Currently V3 prefer to V4.
- With this LUIS recognizer option, initiate the readonly object of
public HealthAssistantRecognizer(IConfiguration configuration)
var luisIsConfigured = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration["LuisAppId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration["LuisAPIKey"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration["LuisAPIHostName"]);
if (luisIsConfigured)
var luisApplication = new LuisApplication(
"https://" + configuration["LuisAPIHostName"]);
var recognizerOptions = new LuisRecognizerOptionsV3(luisApplication)
PredictionOptions = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.LuisV3.LuisPredictionOptions
IncludeInstanceData = true,
_recognizer = new LuisRecognizer(recognizerOptions);
- Implement these missing members
Task<T> RecognizeAsync<T>()
andTask<RecognizerResult> RecognizeAsync()
from the readonly object ofLuisRecognizer
public async Task<RecognizerResult> RecognizeAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> await _recognizer.RecognizeAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);
public async Task<T> RecognizeAsync<T>(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where T : IRecognizerConvert, new()
=> await _recognizer.RecognizeAsync<T>(turnContext, cancellationToken);
- To confirm about successful initialization of LUISRecognizer object, refer a public Boolean value or a method for check, which can be used in another instances.
public virtual bool IsConfigured => _recognizer != null;
- Go to your Startup class, and resolve the dependency injection in services.
- Register your Recognizer class with a Singleton service.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, AdapterWithErrorHandler>();
services.AddTransient<IBot, HealthAssistantBot>();
- If you haven't any sub directory for Models, create a sub directory named
on your project. - On your project's Models directory, let's design your models for entities. These are used to fetch data from the cognitive model. For Example:
public class HealthAssistantDetails
public string Age { get; set; }
public string Drug { get; set; }
- Go to your C sharp bot file (generally it stands on project folder and named with your [ProjectName].cs) and. Declare following objects inside your Bot activity class:
- one of your recognizer, and
- another ILogger.
- Initiate them with the constructor of your bot activity class.
private readonly HealthAssistantRecognizer _luisRecognizer;
protected readonly ILogger Logger;
public HealthAssistantBot(HealthAssistantRecognizer luisRecognizer, ILogger<HealthAssistantBot> logger)
_luisRecognizer = luisRecognizer;
Logger = logger;
- Inside your
of bot activity class, use the recognizer to recognize data from LUIS through the cognitive model generated by LUISGen on the last of Step6. Store result inside a local variable.
var luisResult = await _luisRecognizer.RecognizeAsync<HealthAssistant>(turnContext, cancellationToken);
- Within the top intent of stored result, map values with your cognitive model.
if (luisResult.TopIntent().intent == HealthAssistant.Intent.DiscoverDrugs)
var healthAssistantDetails = new HealthAssistantDetails
Drug = luisResult.Entities?.Drugs?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault(),
Age = luisResult.Entities?.age?.FirstOrDefault()?.Number.ToString()
//Do your Job From Here
- From the result, use your logic to present data. If required further processing more, do this asynchronously. Or simply Re initiate your bot state. For example:
switch (luisResult.TopIntent().intent)
case HealthAssistant.Intent.DiscoverDrugs:
var healthAssistantDetails = new HealthAssistantDetails
Drug = luisResult.Entities?.Drugs?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault(),
Age = luisResult.Entities?.age?.FirstOrDefault()?.Number.ToString()
var ageRange = Convert.ToInt32(healthAssistantDetails.Age) >= 18 ? "Adult" : "Child";
var messageText = $"I suggest you to take a dosage of {healthAssistantDetails.Drug} for {ageRange}";
var message = MessageFactory.Text(messageText, messageText, InputHints.IgnoringInput);
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(message, cancellationToken);
var promptMessage = "What else can I do for you?";
var nextMsg = MessageFactory.Text(promptMessage, promptMessage, InputHints.AcceptingInput);
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(nextMsg, cancellationToken);
var didntUnderstandMessageText = $"Sorry, I didn't get that. Please try asking in a different way " +
$"(intent was {luisResult.TopIntent().intent})";
var didntUnderstandMessage = MessageFactory.Text(didntUnderstandMessageText,
didntUnderstandMessageText, InputHints.IgnoringInput);
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(didntUnderstandMessage, cancellationToken);
- From your
remove reply component and use the logger if required anything to acknowledge.
- Now rebuild your project and run.
- Test with your Bot Framework Emulator, enjoy.