Magento 2 Extra Fee by MageComp
The Magento 2 Extra Fee is an extension for enabling you to charge extra for add-on services. The add-on services can include anything in shipping from gift packaging to urgent orders to parcel packaging. The extra charges applied will be exhibited on the cart page and checkout page.
Check our Magento 2 Extra Fee Extension (PRO Version).
- Magento Community 2.2.0-2.4.x (CE, EE, ECE, B2B)
Custom fee tag
Automatically apply to order total
Multistore support
Cart and checkout page display
Set minimum order amount
- Custom Fee Tag
The admin can readily enable the extension and add a custom name for the fee also. The name can vary from gift wrap to rush order to packaging charges.
- Automatically Apply to Order Total
Once the store owner sets the price from the Magento backend, extra charges will automatically be applied to the storefront. Along with the order total, it will be set on its own.
- Multistore Support
The extension is supported in multiple stores. This means that you can apply the extension features to all of your stores if you are running multiple stores.
- Cart and Checkout Page Display
The total extra fee will be displayed on the cart page and checkout page with the total order that is calculated.
- Set Minimum Order Amount
The admin can also set the minimum order amount from the store backend. If the order amount matches the minimum set amount only then the extra fee will be displayed on the front end.
- Encourages transparency in the product total
The order total will be clearly defined on the checkout and cart page. It will clearly bifurcate the product charges and the extra fee included in the total amount payable. This promotes transparency in the order total in front of the customers.
- Increase average order value
The extension helps enhance the order total amount. Hence, it results in higher-order value which eventually leads to increased revenue for your Magento store.
- Multistore support
If you have multiple stores, you can swiftly apply the extra charges to all your stores.
1. Configuration
Once you have successfully installed the extension, go to Stores -> Configuration to configure the extension for use.
Extra Fee: Enable or disable extension from here.
Fee Name: Option to set a custom extra fee title to display in-store frontend.
Extra Fee Amount: Set your extra fee charges from here.
Minimum Order Amount to Display Extra Fee: Specify minimum order amount to enable extra fee in store frontend.
2. Frontend
Once you have configured the extension properly, you can see an extra fee applied charge in the store frontend shopping cart page.
You can also see an extra fee charged in your checkout order summary.
Once your customer has placed an order from the store frontend, the admin can also see applied extra fee charges in the backend order view.
Version 1.0.5
Now, you can easily add charge tax on the Fee
Version 1.0.4
Compatible with Magento 2.3.3 Latest Magento version
Version 1.0.3
Compatibility with Magento 2.3.2
Extra fee for invoice and credit Memo Issue Resolved
PayPal Issue Resolved
Version 1.0.2
Minor Bugs Fixed
Version 1.0.1
Minor Bugs Fixed
In case of any queries about our extensions or services, feel free to write to us at our Support Portal.
In case you would want to contact us, reach out to us at:
Phone: +917990250277
Email: [email protected]
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