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About i-tee

i-tee is a distance laboratory system, that is based on ruby on rails and uses VirtualBox headless virtualization.

i-tee is developed by the Estonian IT College.

More information about i-tee and one lab (we call them a learningspace) can be found from following article:

Margus Ernits, Johannes Tammekänd, and Olaf Maennel. 2015.
i-tee: A fully automated Cyber Defense Competition for Students.
In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM '15).
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 113-114. DOI=

i-tee contains three layers such as: Virtualisation, Web frontend (access control, lab control), Learningspace layer.

Ernits M., Kikkas K. (2016) A Live Virtual Simulator for Teaching Cybersecurity to Information Technology Students. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. LCT 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9753. Springer, Cham
Publisher Name Springer, Cham
Print ISBN 978-3-319-39482-4
Online ISBN 978-3-319-39483-1


Installation guide

  • Create I-Tee base configuration file /etc/i-tee/config.yaml
	"ldap" : {
		"host" : "LDAP_SERVER",
		"port" : 1234,
		"attribute" : "sAMAccountName",
		"base" : "dc=yoursearch,dc=base",
		"group_base" : "cn=Users,dc=zentyal-domain,dc=lan",
		"ssl" : true,
		"user" : "Replace_with_your_bind_user",
		"password" : "Replace_with_your_bind_user"
        "cipher_password":"SECRET for the AES-256-CBC cypher set in guacamole-proxy install",
        "username":"global admin username",
        "password":"global admin password"
	"skin" : "vequrity",
	"admins": [ "list","of","your","admins"]
  • Ensure that your server name can be resolved Using
hostname -f
  • Clone repo and start installation on ubuntu 16.04 64bit
git clone

cd i-tee
  • Download and install lab infra OpenSense VM () lab-proxy VM ()


Tiia Tänav

Margus Ernits

Keijo Kapp

Carolyn Fischer (retired)

Aivar Guitar (retired)

Madis Toom (retired)