All About Java 8 Lambdas Book Source Code
Available on here or here:
The project is a standalone Java project. Just import into your favourite IDE and start learning to code Java 8. Do note that you need Java 8 SDK required for compiling/running the code examples. Make sure you download the latest and great version of Java 8 as well as an IDE (I am currently using Eclipse MARS).
The package structure is maintained such way that any code discussed in a chapter is attached/associated in the same package with the chapter name. For example, all the parallel processing code will reside in com.madhusudhan.wr.allaboutlambdas.parallellstreams where the last part is the chapter name.
Please get in touch with me for any suggestions or recommendations in getting this reposiotry uptoday. Also please refer to my friend Mani's repo too( should you require to work with more examples.