Word clock for an ESP8266 with a ws2812b led matrix and a temt6000 light sensor
1. Quick description
2. 3D Prints
3. Installation
4. Configuration
5. Wiring
6. Usage
7. Files
8. Parts links
The aim of this project is to display a word clock on a ws2812b led matrix and a TEMT6000 luminosity sensor, pluged on an ESP8266.
At the moment that's only available for a french word clock, but it could be updated to make an english one too. Letters placement is already available in the english_matrix.txt file, then the whole code would need to be updated in order to :
- Turn on correct leds for other languages (ledarrays.ino and functions.ino)
- Display the configuration page on other languages (data/index.html for most of the text, and also one line in french in webserver.ino)
Thingiverse project with 3D prints parts designed for this project: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4675585
Even if code has been designed for above thingiverse project, it could be used with any other hardware (other 3D model, wood, metal, etc...), as soon as it uses an ESP8266, a 16x16 led matrix compatible with the Adafruit NeoPixel library, and a TEMT6000 light sensor.
This code is intented to be compiled using Arduino IDE: https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Procedure to configure Arduino IDE for ESP8266: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
We also need to install "ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload" for Arduino IDE (used to copy files on the ESP8266 flash memory): https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-esp8266littlefs-plugin
Then open the "horloge.ino" file within Arduino IDE. Before to compile, we need to install some libraries.
Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries, then install following libraries:
- NTPClient
- Adafruit NeoPixel
- ArduinoJson
- StringSplitter
- WifiManager
From now project should compile without error.
To upload it on the ESP8266, connect the ESP8266 on your computer (don't forget to install serial/usb chipset driver before, it should be provided with ESPs - most of them are using CH340 chipset : http://www.wch-ic.com/search?q=ch340&t=downloads), select the right COM PORT from the Tools menu, then choose Sketch > Upload - you'll have to recompile/upload each time you update the code.
Then upload files to be copied on the flash memory by launching Tools > ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload (serial monitor needs to be closed) - no need to repeat this step after each upload of the code, only first time and if you update files to be copied on the flash memory (all files contained in the "data" folder)
Reopen serial monitor, some data should display (wifi connection status, etc...)
Inside horloge.ino you'll find some configurable values:
- #define PIN_LUM A0 ==> Pin where luminosity sensor is plugged (A0 by default) - be careful, number written on the esp8266 PCB is usually different, please refer to the pinout schema for your esp8266
- #define PIN_LEDS 2 ==> Pin where led matrix is plugged (2 by default, meaning D4 on my esp8266)
- #define NUMPIXELS 256==> Number of leds on the matrix (16x16) - shouldn't be different except if you update code for other sizes of led matrix
- #define NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL 600006024 ==> Delay to refresh time using ntp (once a day by default)
Easiest way (less solders) to connect everything (esp8266, led matrix and temt6000 sensor) together (knowing that ws2812 led matrix have : 3 connectors for power (red/black), 1 data input (green), 1 data output (green)) is:
- Connect your power source (5v) to one of the led matrix (if using my 3D printed parts, middle one is a good option)
- Solder 2 wires from another power connector of the led matrix (bottom one) to the "Vin" (+) and "Gnd" (-) connectors of the ESP8266
- Solder 1 wire from ESP8266 Led output (D4 by default) to the led matrix data input (only one available, located at the top), and add a 470 Ohms resistor close to the led matrix
- Solder the 3 wires for temt6000 as follow:
Once everything is installed and wired, plug in the power source (can be powered using esp8266 usb port, but depending of the luminosity, if too much current is drained, esp can crash)
It should display:
- a blue ring (initialization)
- then an orange ring (no wifi connection), meaning you have to configure wifi. Use your phone or computer to connect on the access point launched by the ESP8266 (named "horloge" by default). Then go to "Configure Wifi", select your network, enter your password. ESP will reboot.
/!\ If you can't see the access point, or if it doens't display anything, try closer to the ESP. You can also check the Arduino serial monitor for more information.
If WiFi has been successfully configured, it will display:
- a blue ring (initialization)
- a green ring (wifi connected, ntp time sync - can be quite fast and not visible)
Then to configure the timezone, colors, luminosity, etc... Using your phone or a computer connected on the same network than the ESP, go to "http://horloge" (can be changed in the configuration).
On the configuration page, everything is in french ... but time is also displayed in french. Should be updated to support several languages.
Description of the project's files:
- horloge.ino => main file, contains includes, defines, and the 2 following arduino functions: setup (ran once on startup) and loop (ran 10 times/s)
- config.ino => functions used to mange configuration file (config.json)
- functions.ino => several functions, and especially the main where leds are turned on/off, with the right colors
- ledarrays.ino => arrays to do the mapping between words and leds ids
- webserver.ino => everything related to the webserver which hosts the configuration page
- data => this folder contains all files to be copied on the ESP flash memory
- config.json => default configuration file - can be updated to change default values (hostname, ntp server, colors, etc...)
- index.html => the configuration page
- css
- horloge.css => css for the configuration page
- all other css aren't used, but could be one day if CDN hosting other css (jquery, etc...) aren't working anymore.
- js
- horloge.js => javascript for configuration page
- jquery.ui.touch-punch.js => to handle touch events from a smartphone
- all other js aren't used, but could be one day if CDN hosting other js (jquery, etc...) aren't working anymore.
- favicon.ico => just an icon for the webpage, can be usefull if a shortcut to the config page is added on smartphone launcher
Links to the parts I used (links might not work anymore):
- ESP8266: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4001295464144.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.28556c37za4rUh
- WS2812B (WS2812B Eco variant, 16x16): https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32390846029.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.28556c37za4rUh
- TEMT6000: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005001636682063.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.28556c37za4rUh
- Power source (8A variant, but oversized knowing that all leds won't be turned on at their max level in the same time): https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/33014935336.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.28556c37za4rUh