SwiftCUBLAS is a wrapper for the cuBLAS library, providing GPU-accelerated linear algebra operations in Swift. It includes utilities for matrix operations and a robust suite of tests. The package is tested on the latest CUDA runtime API (v12.5) on both Linux and Windows.
Operating System | Swift Version | CUDA Version | Supported |
Linux | 6.0 | 12.* | ✅ |
Windows 11 | 6.0 | 12.* | ✅ |
To include SwiftCUBLAS in your Swift project, add the following line to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/machineko/SwiftCUBLAS", branch: "main")
Docc generated for Swift wrapped API SwiftCUBLAS
CUDA runtime cuBLAS API
@Test func testSimpleSGEMMRowMajor() async throws {
let cuStatus = CUDevice(index: 0).setDevice()
let m = 2
let n = 2
let k = 4
var A: [Float32] = [
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,
var B: [Float32] = [
8.0, 7.0,
6.0, 5.0,
4.0, 3.0,
2.0, 1.0,
var C: [Float32] = [Float32](repeating: 0.0, count: m * n)
var aPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
var bPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
var cPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
defer {
_ = aPointer.cudaAndHostDeallocate()
_ = bPointer.cudaAndHostDeallocate()
_ = cPointer.cudaAndHostDeallocate()
let f32Size = MemoryLayout<Float32>.stride
_ = aPointer.cudaMemoryAllocate(m * k * f32Size)
_ = bPointer.cudaMemoryAllocate(k * n * f32Size)
_ = cPointer.cudaMemoryAllocate(m * n * f32Size)
_ = aPointer.cudaMemoryCopy(fromRawPointer: &A, numberOfBytes: A.count * f32Size, copyKind: .cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
_ = bPointer.cudaMemoryCopy(fromRawPointer: &B, numberOfBytes: B.count * f32Size, copyKind: .cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
let handle = CUBLASHandle()
var params = CUBLASParams<Float32>(
fromRowMajor: aPointer!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float32.self), B: bPointer!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float32.self),
C: cPointer!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float32.self), m: Int32(m), n: Int32(n), k: Int32(k), alpha: 1.0, beta: 0.0
let status = handle.sgemm_v2(params: ¶ms)
C.withUnsafeMutableBytes { rawBufferPointer in
var pointerAddress = rawBufferPointer.baseAddress
let outStatus = pointerAddress.cudaMemoryCopy(
fromMutableRawPointer: cPointer, numberOfBytes: m * n * f32Size, copyKind: .cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
let cExpected = matrixMultiply(m, n, k, A, B, isRowMajor: true)
#expect(cExpected ~= C)
Current version of SwiftCUBLAS is tested on Swift 6.0 development branch using swift-testing package and CUDA v12.5