This script written for Dell Inspiron Laptops. In my laptop CPU Fan is allways running at top speed. So I write a script to control cpu heat and manage fan speed with a cron job.
- You must have loaded the i8k module
Ubuntu: sudo modprobe -v i8k
- You must also install i8kctl
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install i8kctl
- After Installing i8kctl you must run this line:
sudo sed -i.bak 's/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/' /etc/default/{i8kmon,i8kbuttons}
- You must have sensors
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install sensors
You have to check sensors command to see it shows cpu heat.
If you want to run your cron job for all users you must open crontab with root user.
sudo crontab -e
Then add this line;
*/1 * * * * sh /path/to/script/
Note: I'm using Dell Inspiron 5110 and it has only right fan. So i didn't manage second fan. If your laptop has second fan, you must edit this script.