cp example_cfbot_config.py cfbot_config.py
createdb cfbot
createuser cfbot
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f create.sql "dbname=cfbot"
If you want to install them globally:
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
If that doesn't work for some reason or you prefer to scope these dependencies to the project, you can instead use a virtual env:
# create a virtual environment (only needed once)
python3 -m venv env
# activate the environment. You will need to activate this environment in
# your shell every time you want to run the tests. (so it's needed once per
# shell).
source env/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies (only needed once, or whenever extra dependencies
# get added to requirements.txt)
pip install -r requirements.txt
On Linux
./cfbot_patchburner_docker_ctl.sh init-template
On FreeBSD
./cfbot_patchburner_ctl.sh init-template
./cfbot_patch.py 48 4496
# Format code
make format
# lint code
make lint
# Automatically fix linting errors
make lint-fix
# Automatically fix linting errors including unsafe fixes
# Unsafe fixes are those that may change the behavior of the code, but usually
# you want that behavior
make lint-fix-unsafe
# Run both "make format" and "make lint-fix-unsafe" (usually what you want)
make fix