A simple PHPUnit setup for Craft CMS.
Run this one-liner in your project root to add the basic files and directories:
- NB! If you use DDev, you must run the script inside the container.
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mEsUsah/craft-phpunit/refs/heads/master/setup.sh | bash
For a more in-depth desription on the setup and how to get started with testing Craft CMS with PHPUnit, read this article on my blog.
This repo contains some example tests, that can be used for inspiration.
If you run Craft Solo, you must change line 10 in tests/Unit/ExampleUnitTest.php to:
$this->assertEquals(CmsEdition::Solo, Craft::$app->edition);
Run the tests with this command:
php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
If you need to use the utility classes in this repo, you must add the "Tests" root namespace to your composer.json
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Tests\\": "tests/"
Once added, you must run composer update, to make it work.
composer update
You can then use the the ClearChache utility class.
namespace Tests\Feature;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Tests\utils\ClearCache;
final class ExampleTest extends TestCase
public function test_can_clear_cache(): void