A new approach to connect and handle various M5 units in the M5Stack
Library for M5Stack Series and M5Unit Series
Notice: Now α version
Please send your comments and requests to Issue or PR.
M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products.
Each unit's external library has its own API design.
Unify basic APIs so that all units can be handled in the same way.
Each unit's external library requires its own communication functions and assumptions.
Unify prerequisites and communication methods.
In the future, we plan to work with M5HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) to unified communicatation with each unit.
External library licenses for each unit are mixed.
All M5UnitUnified and related libraries are under the MIT license.
Alpha version, but registered in the Library Manager
- Using library manager and select the library of the unit you want to use (e.g. M5Unit-GESTURE)
Dependent M5UnitUnfied related libraries will be downloaded automatically.
- Write lib_deps settings to platformio.ini
lib_deps= m5stack/M5Unit-foo ; Unit to be used
Dependent M5UnitUnfied related libraries will be downloaded automatically.
See also examples for each unit repositry too.
Simple example of the UnitCO2
UnitCO2 is started with default settings in Units.begin(), and loop() print logs measurement data.
// If you use other units, change include files(*1), instances(*2), and get values(*3)
#include <M5Unified.h>
#include <M5UnitUnified.h>
#include <M5UnitUnifiedENV.h> // *1 Include the header of the unit to be used
m5::unit::UnitUnified Units;
m5::unit::UnitCO2 unit; // *2 Instance of the unit
void setup() {
auto pin_num_sda = M5.getPin(m5::pin_name_t::port_a_sda);
auto pin_num_scl = M5.getPin(m5::pin_name_t::port_a_scl);
M5_LOGI("getPin: SDA:%u SCL:%u", pin_num_sda, pin_num_scl);
Wire.begin(pin_num_sda, pin_num_scl, 400 * 1000U);
if (!Units.add(unit, Wire) // Add unit to UnitUnified manager
|| !Units.begin()) { // Begin each unit
M5_LOGE("Failed to add/begin");
void loop() {
if (unit.updated()) {
// *3 Obtaining unit-specific measurements
M5_LOGI("CO2:%u Temp:%f Hum:%f", unit.co2(), unit.temperature(), unit.humidity());
- Nonstandard usage
- Arduino
Support ESP-IDF with M5HAL in the future.
- I2C with TwoWire
Support GPIO, UART in the future.
See also Wiki
For exampless of each unit, please refer to the respective unit's repository.
The examples in this repository are for M5UnitUnified in general
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