Author: Joseph W. Abbott, PhD Student @ Lab COSMO, EPFL
A proof-of-concept workflow for torch-based electron density learning. Equivariant structural representations, that is those that transform equivariantly under rotation with the irreducible spherical components of the target property (i.e. whether they be invariant or covariant), can be constructed using the xyz coordinates of a set of training molecules. As part of a supervised machine learning scheme, these structural representations form inputs to the machine learning model, while reference electron densities calculated by quantum chemical methods are given as target outputs.
Model training is performed using PyTorch, but various other parts of the workflow are performed with a number of open source packages from the software stacks of labs COSMO and LCMD at EPFL. The main ones are outlined below.
: lcmd-epfl/Q-stack
A software stack dedicated to pre- and post-processing tasks for quantum machine
learning. In rholearn, its equistore-interfacing module equio
used to pre-process electron density coefficients generated from quantum
chemical calculations into TensorMap format, ready for input into a
equistore/torch-based ML model. Its fields
module is also used to
post-process electron densities into a format suitable for visualization.
: Luthaf/rascaline
This is used to generate equivariant structural representations for input into
ML models. In rholearn, rascaline is used to build an atom-centered
density descriptor of the molecules in the training data, which is then used to
generate an equivariant
: lab-cosmo/equistore
This is a storage format for atomistic machine learning, allowing an efficient
way to track data and associated metadata for a wide range of atomistic systems
and objects. In rholearn, it is used to store
: lab-cosmo/equisolve
Concerned with higher-level functions and classes built on top of equistore, this package is used to prepare data and build models for machine learning. However, it is still in a very early alpha development stage. In rholearn, it is used to split TensorMap objects storing structural representations and electron densities into train, test, and validation data.
: lab-cosmo/chemiscope
This package is used a an interactive visualizer and property explorer for the molecular data from which the structural representations are built.
The only requirements to begin installation are git
, conda
and rustc
git >= 2.37
conda >= 22.9
rustc >= 1.65
Is used as a package and environment manager. It allows a virtual environment
will be created within which the appropriate version of Python (== 3.10
) and
required packages will be installed.
If you don't already have conda
, the latest version of the lightweight
can be
downloaded from here, for
your specific operating system. After downloading, change the execute
permissions and run the installer, for instance as follows:
chmod +x
and follow the installation instructions.
When starting up a terminal, if the (base)
label on the terminal user prompt
is not seen, the command bash
might have to be run to activate conda
Is used to compile code in rascaline
and equistore
. To install
, run the following command, taken from the 'Install
Rust' webpage:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
and follow the installation instructions.
Clone this repo and create a conda
environment using the environment.yml
file. This will install all the required base packages, such as ase,
numpy, torch and matplotlib, into an environment called rho
- Clone the
repo and create a virtual environment.
git clone
cd rho_learn
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate rho
Then, some atomistic ML packages from the lab COSMO and LCMD software stacks can
be installed in the rho
environment. Ensure you install these in the order
shown below (this is very important) and with the exact commands, as some
development branches are required for this setup.
pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install chemiscope
rholearn: ensure you're in the
directory thenpip install .
In order to run the example notebooks (see Examples section below), you'll need
to work within the rho
conda environment. If the env doesn't show up in your
jupyter IDE, you can run the terminal command ipython kernel install --user --name=rho
and restart the jupyter session.
Then, working within the rho
environment, rholearn
and other modules
can then be imported in a Python script as follows:
from rholearn.features import lambda_soap_vector
from rholearn.loss import MSELoss, CoulombLoss
from rholearn.models import EquiModelGlobal
from import train
import equistore
from equistore import Labels, TensorMap
from equisolve.utils import split_data
If you ever need to update rholearn
, or any of the other packages for that
matter, make sure you uninstall before git pull
-ing and reinstalling:
pip uninstall rholearn
cd rho_learn
git pull
pip install .
If you ever receive the equistore error ValueError: Trying to set the EQUISTORE library path twice error
it is probably due to a clash between
rascaline and equistore. This will soon be fixed in equistore, but unitl then
make sure that any rascaline modules are loaded before equistore ones. The main
rholearn module you need to be careful of in this regard is
. If,
for example, you are importing from this module in a notebook, i.e. from rholearn.features import lambda_soap_vector
, make sure you place this import
at the very top of the notebook. This is because
imports both
rascaline and equistore (in that order), but thus needs to be placed first.
The functionality of this package is demonstrated in the example notebooks in
the rho_learn/docs/example/azoswitch
directory. This section will briefly the
various parts of the workflow.
A demonstrative notebook is provided, implementing the key parts of the
model-training workflow. This begins with the generation of a $\lambda£-SOAP
structural representation for a 1000-water monomer database. The relationship to
the electron density is then learned using a linear model, optimizing weights
based on gradient descent of an
The open-source packge "Symmetry-Adapted Learning of Three-dimensional
Electron Densities" (SALTED) is the
source for this dataset and was used to generate reference electron densities,
with outputs converted to equistore
Also included in the examples are a set of more pedagogical notebooks on a more complicated dataset. In order to be lightweight enough to run on a laptop, and with the emphasis being on the workflow as opposed to accurate results, a 10-molecule database of azoswitch dyes are provided.
This dataset is a 10-molecule subset of a database of molecular azoswitches used in the electron density learning paper entitled "Learning the Exciton Properties of Azo-dyes" DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01425.
There are 3 example notebooks for the azoswitch workflow.
The first notebook
outlines how to visualize the molecular data, construct a
The second 2_models.ipynb goes through the construction of both a linear and nonlinear model, custom loss functions (based on the Coulomb metric), and how to use these in model training.
The third and final notebook 3_analysis.ipynb outlines plotting figures analysing model training, as well as making a prediction on a validation structure, visualizing this prediction and the associated error.
Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Tensorial Properties of Atomistic Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 036002. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.036002
SALTED (Symmetry-Adapted Learning of Three-dimensional Electron Densities), GitHub:, Andrea Grisafi, Alan M. Lewis.
Transferable Machine-Learning Model of the Electron Density, ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 57−64. DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00551
Atom-density representations for machine learning, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 154110 (2019). DOI: 10.1063/1.5090481
Learning the Exciton Properties of Azo-dyes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 25, 5957–5962. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01425
Impact of quantum-chemical metrics on the machine learning prediction of electron density, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 024107 (2021), DOI: 10.1063/5.0055393