convert a magnet uri to a torrent download link
npm install --save magnet-to-torrent
var magnetToTorrent = require('magnet-to-torrent');
var magnet = '< a valid magnet uri >';
.then( function(torrentLink){
console.log(torrentLink); // torrent url as string
console.error(error); // couldn't get a valid link
The following verifies if the magnet uri provided is formatted correctly.
var bool = magnetToTorrent.isMagnet(magnet); // returns boolean
The library will attempt to retrieve a working torrent link from the following services, respectively:
Each service takes in hash
as a parameter and uses it to build the download link in the
format of how the said service allows a user to download torrents.
The library tests if the torrent is cached by the service and responds
with the first url that has the torrent available.
You can add your own service before attempting to convert magnets.
See snippet below.
var service = function(hash){
return `${hash}.torrent`;
Optionally, use a second parameter to push the service to the top of the stack
This will ensure your service is called first
magnetToTorrent.addService(service, true);
is the torrent hash extracted from the magnet uri- This is an experiment but should work fine.
Report any issues.
- to the author of magnet2torrent