Having spent some time solving these problems, I thought it could be useful for anyone interested in math/programming challenges to share my solutions along with (as much as possible) detailed approaches and explanations, and also a good way to showcase my skills in these fields.
I put a lot of effort into providing elegant and efficient solutions while explaining in the best possible way how I went about it (except maybe for the most obvious or well-known algorithms). Though you may find some brute force approaches I'm not that proud of (ಠ_ಠ).
100% of the code here including utils and math libraries are home made.
Project Euler is a website dedicated to a series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs. The project attracts adults and students interested in mathematics and computer programming. Since its creation in 2001 by Colin Hughes, Project Euler has gained notability and popularity worldwide.
All you need is Node.js >= 18.0.0 (no module dependency / no external libraries required).
$ node solve.js <pid>
where <pid> is the problem id.
$ node solve.js 65
Problem 065 - Convergents of e
-> solution: 272
-> run time : 1.195ms
Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the code.