Patches an ELF binary using one or more simple Python scripts.
patch <binary> <patchdir|file> [patchdir|file...]
Contains one or more Python patch files, which will be executed in alphabetical order against a binary.
Nopping an address, injecting an assembly function, and hooking the entry point:
def simple_patch(pt):
# nop out a jump at the entry point
pt.patch(pt.entry, hex='90' * 5)
# inject assembly into the binary and return the address
addr = pt.inject(asm='mov eax, 1; ret')
# hook the entry point to make it call addr (ret will run the original entry point)
pt.hook(pt.entry, addr)
Replacing a C function:
def replace_free(pt):
# pretend free() is at this address:
old_free = 0x804fc4
# inject a function to replace free()
new_free = pt.inject(c=r'''
void free_stub(void *addr) {
printf("stubbed free(%p)\n", addr);
# patch the beginning of free() with a jump to our new function
pt.patch(old_free, jmp=new_free)
addr = search(data)
hook(addr, new_addr)
patch(addr, *compile arg*)
addr = inject(*compile arg*)
*compile arg* is any of the following:
c='void func() { int a; a = 1; }' (only supported on inject, not patch)
Some scripts live in the ida/ path. Run them like this:
/Applications/IDA\ Pro\ 6.8/ -A -Sida/ a.out
When invoked like this, will generate a.out.funcs
which is used by hardening scripts.
These are somewhat CGC and x86-specific right now, but will be ported for general use in the future.
- explore: uses a Python CFG and recursive backtracking emulator to find basic blocks in an executable
- bindiff: uses the block boundaries from an explore run, as well as additional analysis to find and output basic block diffs between two binaries
- Run
to automatically install these.- Capstone Engine -
- Keystone Engine -
- Unicorn Engine -