intelligent, stateful, ultra-responsive
built with Sass
responsive states: @media, :pseudo
context inheritance, e.g. column-count
class pattern [state]__[base]-[variant]
concerns itself with core elements of a design system, being layout, typography and color
custom property spec/inheritance structure basis
cross-(modern-)browser-viable utility object patterns
central configuration, design system
maps and lists
inner/outer spacings * (x, y)
inner/outer mods, resp.
font size/line mods, per font
utility-objects, for:
outer, inner
stack, chain, plain
mcol, flow, grid
(row-)span, push, pull, (row-)start, (row-)end, col-a-b, row-a-b
font/typographic control wrt
optical trim alignment, plain-(y) classes
theme control wrt color/opacity of
fg, bg, bd, ol, fill, stroke
...stateful WRT 'hover', 'focus', 'active', 'disabled', 'focus-within', 'parent-hover', 'parent-focus'
design-oriented reset
destyle.css + some custom resets WRT embeds and a few other concerns
@include homework-reset;
@include homework-setup;
iy, ix -- see stack, column px, py, pt, pr, pb, pl mx, my, mt, mr, mb, ml mx-neg, my-neg, mt-neg, mr-neg, mb-neg, ml-neg mx-auto, my-auto, mt-auto, mr-auto, mb-auto, ml-auto
wrap, peel
wrap-left/-right, peel-left/-right
frame, bleed
frame-left/-right, bleed-left/-right
stack, plain, chain
multi-[c], flow-[y], grid-[y]
columns-[c], rows-[r]
push-[c], pull-[c], push-r-[c], pull-r-[c],
span-[c], start-[c], end-[c], column-[s]-[e]
span-all, span-auto, span-safe
(CSS4) span-max-[c], span-min-[c]
row-span-[r], row-start-[r], row-end-[r], row-[s]-[e]
some of these classes are inside the border, some outside
f, trim, stack > f, plain > *
- imports destyle.css
To me, the whole idea of custom properties is that they should work efficiently with inheritance and cascade enabling precise and powerful control.
So bare base classes like ‘f-sans’ and ‘aspect’ are good, even when they have little or no styles on their own: they are waiting for a different CP value to be plugged in.
For TYPO classes, these could be both —font-size and —line-height; or if you’ve got an expression for line-height you could get away with just —font-size
Similarly when you’re scaffolding out a site, especially if you’re ‘designing in code’ you you can tweak —stack-gap, —chain-gap, —column-gap and —row-gap as you go, and then review your rogue values later to see what kinds of values you need to plug back in to your base config
...Because the standard config can be restrictive or tedious when you are building, if you have to keep going back to define a value at multiple breakpoints before you can use it.
Homework is a WIP Sass CSS framework, focused on design-oriented generic-object and utility classes on a basis of responsive (@media
-scoped) CSS custom properties.
- hybrid utility-first / object-oriented approach, focused on layout and typography "primitives"
- responsive (@media-scoped) values
This Sass library has dependencies on a few other Sass libraries, but they have been declared as peerDependencies
rather than dependencies
, due to the fact that Sass does not actually have a module system, which is to say no path-resolution nor caching nor de-duplication mechanisms. Sass will attempt to import every file for which it sees an @import
statement (even if it has already been imported), and while Sass can be configured to look in node_modules
for imports, it does not use the Node path-resolution algorithm so it will not find nested modules (although this is less a problem with more recent versions of Node/NPM). For this reason the recommended setup is for the user to install all the peer-dependencies and import them all explicitly at the top of the Sass codebase.
# main library
npm i @lunelson/homework
# peer dependencies
npm i @lunelson/sass-calc @lunelson/sass-maps-next @lunelson/sass-throw @lunelson/sass-u mathsass
This assumes you have a Sass setup which includes node_modules
among its import paths. As noted above, the peer dependencies must be explicitly imported; the recommended import source-order is below. NOTE: mathsass is optional; it can be left out if you have a Sass setup which injects math functions, or if you are not using the theme
// peer dependencies
@import '@lunelson/sass-throw/index';
@import '@lunelson/sass-maps-next/index';
@import '@lunelson/sass-calc/index';
@import '@lunelson/sass-lerp/index';
@import '@lunelson/sass-u/index';
// main library
@import '@lunelson/homework/index';
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores obcaecati tempora at commodi nulla tempore harum, officia distinctio doloremque quibusdam illo error ad laborum rem vitae, illum sit impedit quis.
// ES6+
import '@lunelson/homework';
// ...or CommonJS
As stated above, this framework heavily uses CSS Custom Properties. There is a legacy branch, but it generates way more code.
- no browser-prefixing is provided, so use autoprefixer with grid: true
- be careful about broad use of postcss however, many minification packages will break complex
expressions, which are used extensively here
(embed caniuse for custom properties) talk about legacy branch
- not officially supported
- will generate more code
- why is this package name-spaced to
on NPM?
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