Print and Write fujifilm film mode simulation tag. Print Film mode from Fujifim JPG.
- Download bash script
- execute
$ chmod +x
- execute
$ chmod +x
Run as:
$ ./ *.JPG
$ ./ *.JPG
Make sure "exiftool" package is installed!
$ ./ *.JPG
DSCF1089.JPG - Provia/Standard
DSCF1091.JPG - Velvia/Vivid
DSCF1092.JPG - Provia/Standard
DSCF1093.JPG - Provia/Standard
DSCF1094.JPG - Velvia/Vivid
DSCF1095.JPG - Astia/Soft
DSCF1096.JPG - Classic Chrome
DSCF1097.JPG - Neg Hi
DSCF1098.JPG - Neg Low
DSCF1099.JPG - B&W
DSCF1100.JPG - B&W Y
DSCF1110.JPG - B&W G
DSCF1181.JPG - Neg Hi
DSCF1182.JPG - Neg Low
DSCF1183.JPG - B&W
DSCF1185.JPG - B&W G
DSCF1186.JPG - Provia/Standard
DSCF1187.JPG - Velvia/Vivid
DSCF1189.JPG - Classic Chrome
DSCF1190.JPG - Neg Hi
DSCF1191.JPG - Neg Low
DSCF1193.JPG - B&W Y
Total worked : 28
Total processed : 28
Thanks to "exiftool -v2 option" you get useful info from "Maker" tags.
- CustomRendered - Tag 0xa401 (2 bytes, int16u[1])
- Saturation - Tag 0x1003 (2 bytes, int16u[1])
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 768 = 0x300 => B&W
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 769 = 0x301 => B&W R
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 770 = 0x301 => B&W Ye
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 771 = 0x303 => B&W G
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 784 = 0x310 => Sepia
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 1280 = 0x500 => Acros
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 1281 = 0x501 => Acros R
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 1282 = 0x502 => Acros Ye
CustomRendered = 1 + Saturation = 1283 = 0x503 => Acros G
- FilmMode - Tag 0x1401 (2 bytes, int16u[1])
0 => Provia/Standard
512 = 0x200 => Velvia/Vivid
288 = 0x120 => Astia/Soft
1536 = 0x600 => Classic Chrome
1281 = 0x501=> Pro Neg Hi
1280 = 0x500 => Pro Neg Std
1792 = 0x700 => Eterna/Cinema
2048 = 0x800 => Classic Neg
2304 = 0x900 => Eterna Bleach Bypass
2560 = 0xa00 => Nostalgic Neg
Please send me feedback if you test this script on your own jpeg files.
If you own other fuji please send me results or send me some JPG or exiftool -v2
output with your additional notes.
Thanks to Hijae Song hijae ( for adding new formats