This is a demo app that shows best practices for building Angular apps
A video of the presentation can be found here
The master
branch is the completed version with notes.
To build this out on your own, follow these steps
Clone this repo (why not star it while you're at it!)
git clone
Enter into the folder you just created
cd angular-demo
Run this command to get the demo branch
git checkout origin/demo
Run this command to install dependencies and launch a server
npm start
I am preserving the architecture of this app to match the demo video, but would otherwise rebuild it as follows
app/ --> all of the files to be used in production
assets/ --> all static asset files
css/ --> css files
app.css --> default stylesheet
img/ --> image files
bower_components/ --> all client side dependencies
common/ --> all components that are shared across the application
directives/ --> a folder for application level directives
filters/ --> a folder for application level filters
timeConversion.js --> custom filter for converting time
services/ --> a folder for application level services
values/ --> a folder for application level values
userData.js --> custom value for tracking the user's data
modules/ --> all custom modules, associated by a feature or view
activityFeed/ --> all components related to the activityFeed module
activityFeed.html --> the template rendered for this module
activityFeed.js --> the application logic for this module
activityService.js --> a service only used by this module
activityPostDir.html --> the template rendered for a module specific directive
activityPostDir.js --> the application logic for a module specific directive
login/ --> a custom module for this application
login.html --> the template rendered for this module
login.js --> the application logic for this module
loginService.js --> a service only used by this module
app.js --> application
index.html --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
test/ --> test config and source files
protractor-conf.js --> config file for running e2e tests with Protractor
e2e/ --> end-to-end specs
scenarios.js --> end-to-end tests
karma.conf.js --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
--> Under this folder should be an exact structural copy
of the app, replacing *.js files with *_test.js testing files
If a single module has many services, directives, filters, etc., I would recommend creating separate folders for each one of these within the module itself
activityFeed/ --> all components related to the activityFeed module
activityFeed.html --> the template rendered for this module
activityFeed.js --> the application logic for this module
activityService1.js --> a service only used by this module
activityService2.js --> a service only used by this module
activityService3.js --> a service only used by this module