In this repository you will se all the exercises developed in Holberton in the C language
- 0x00. C - Hello, World
- 0x01. C - Variables, if, else, while
- 0x02. C - Functions_nested_loops
- 0x03. C - Debugging
- 0x04. C - More_functions_nested_loops
- 0x05. C - Pointers_arrays_string
- 0x06. C - Pointers_arrays_strings (More pointers, arrays and strings)
- 0x07. C - Even more pointers, arrays and strings (Arrays 2d and pointer to pointers)
- 0x08. C - Recursion
- 0x0A. C - argc, argv
- 0x0B. C - malloc, free
- 0x0C. C - More malloc, free
- 0x0D. C - Preprocessor
- 0x0E. C - Structures, typedef
- 0x0F. C - Function pointers
- 0x10. C - Variadic functions
- 0x11. C - printf
- 0x12. C - Singly linked lists
- 0x13. C - More singly linked lists
- 0x14. C - Bit manipulation
- 0x15. C - File I/O
- 0x17. C - Doubly linked lists
- 0x18. C - Dynamic libraries
- 0x1A. C - Hash tables
Author: Luis Manrique ([email protected])