Kernel Development Tools (kdt) is a set of tools to help with the daily tasks of a kernel developer interacting with single-board computers (SBCs). It aims to unify the process of configuring, building, testing and upstreaming kernel code.
- Faster build times: Uses of Ccache if available in the system.
- Finds SBCs IPs by MAC address: Finds SBCs IP by searching into the local network and creates a host entry into /etc/hosts for easy access.
- Build Isolation: Each different board uses its build folder for building the kernel, making it faster switch and build the kernel for different boards.
- Builds Arch Linux Packages: It also builds Arch Linux Kernel packages if the board has a PKGBUILD folder configured.
- Removes Gerrit Change-Ids when formatting patches: Removes "Change-Id:" lines when generating patches for upstream.
- Helps Eclipse Kernel indexing: Creates symbolics links for autogenerated headers in the kernel to help Eclipse code indexing.
- Per board configuration: Each board can have its own configure, build and install parameters, like cross-compiler, kernel targets, configuration, installation files.
- Many ways to Install kernels: Supports installation of the kernel into sdcard, sdcard images, folders and IP addresses.
- Uses meld to visualise git diffs: If configured translates the git diff command to use the Meld.
- Mount images: Mounts a disk image with the detected partition sizes.
- Script ready: Returns 1 in any error case for configuring, building or installing the kernel.
Before doing any work export the name for the board being used:
$ export board=vim4
Now check the current build parameters:
$ kb env
Board: vim4
ARCH: arm64
CROSS_COMPILE: aarch64-none-linux-gnu-
Build Path: /home/tanureal/.kdt_kernel_builds/vim4/kernel
Config File: /home/tanureal/workspace/kernel_dev_tools/boards/vim4_arm64_defconfig
PATH: ~/.local/bin/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/ccache:~/.local/bin/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/:$PATH
To configure the kernel:
$ kb config
To build the kernel, device trees (if configured) and modules:
$ kb build
Or to build a Arch Linux Package:
$ kb build -p
To install the kernel into the SBCs using the network: Note: Better to have root ssh access using ssh keys that don't request passwords.
$ kb scp IP
Or to install the Arch Linux Package into the SBC using the network:
$ kb scp -p IP
Turn On/Off the selected board:
$ kb on
$ kb off
For more options use --help:
$ kb --help
$ kb scp --help
$ kb config --help
Get IP for know SBCs configured in get_ip section:
$ gip
Or add a hostname and mac address for gip scan.
$ gip add hostname aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
$ gip add # For adding more than one
Execute kdt_install. This will modify your bashrc and create ~/.local/bin if it doesn't exist. As this set of tools is still under development, symbolic links will be created in ~/.local/bin for this repo.
Each board has a section in the config file. Example for board vim4 using arm64 arch:
cc = aarch64-none-linux-gnu-
cc_path = ~/.local/bin/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin
kernel_target = Image
kernel_file = Image-devel
dtb_path = dtbs_devel
config_file = $kdt_boards/vim4_arm64_defconfig
ramfs_file = initramfs-linux-devel.img
update_ramfs = mkinitcpio -k $version -g $ramfs_file
on = kasa --alias Strip_9BA6 --type strip on --name P2
off = kasa --alias Strip_9BA6 --type strip off --name P2
Parameter | Explanation |
cc | Cross compiler prefix. Ex: aarch64-linux-gnu- |
cc_path | Cross compiler folder inside the bin_folder. Ex: gcc-linaro-7.5.0-2019.12-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu |
kernel_target | Linux kernel make target for the kernel image. Ex: Image or Image.gz |
kernel_file | Filename expected inside /boot/. Ex: kernel8.img |
config_file | Default config file used to configure the kernel |
config_target | Make target used to configure the kernel |
overlays | yes, if the board uses overlays. The overlays folder will be copied into /boot |
vendor | Vendor name, like broadcom. If set the contents of arch/ARCH/boot/dts/VENDOR will be copied into /boot (Raspberry Pi style) |
dtb_path | Device tree binary folder inside /boot where dtbs will be copied |
ramfs_file | File name for the initramfs file inside /boot |
update_ramfs | Command used to create the initramfs file, where $ramfs_file will be replaced by ramfs_file and $version by the kernel version |
on | Command line used to turn this board on |
off | Command line used to turn this board off |
pkg_folder | Folder PKGBUILD files necessary to build the Arch Linux Kernel package |