Play in the link
This Matching Game is part of my daily purpose of coding every day, and so delivering a new project every week.
The game was developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To obtain the pictures of the cards it was utilized the free DOG API.
Status: Concluded
- Build the optimal layout for the site depending on the device's screen size ✅
- Obtain card images through a third API ✅
- Choose the game difficulty between Easy, Medium, and Hard modes ✅
- Start the game according to the difficulty mode chosen ✅
- Discover and compare only two cards by round ✅
- Count the number of tries to match the cards ✅
- Finish, and so restart the game when all cards are matched ✅
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Mobile-first workflow
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS-grid
- JavaScript
To build this Matching Game I planned from the layout design to the game functionalities.
The main objective of this project was to improve my knowledge of JavaScript programming, so I chose to use a third API as the way to obtain the pictures of the cards, and insert these cards in the Game Board through DOM Manipulation.
To obtain a clone of the cards deck, firstly I duplicated my array of cards using the Spread Operator ...
, then I saved these 2 array copies into a new variable, which I named as cardsDeck.
export default async function createGameBoard(numCards) {
const URL_API = `${numCards}`;
const res = await fetch(URL_API);
const data = await res.json();
const listImgs = data.message;
const cardsDeck = [...listImgs, ...listImgs];
const shuffledCards = shuffleCards(cardsDeck);
The necessity of shuffling the cards before the game started was achieved using the Fisher-Yates Algorithm, which was named as the function shuffle Cards(cardsDeck) using as a parameter the array cardsDeck.
function shuffleCards(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
return array
The next steps will be focused on :
- Coding refactoring
- Fix a bug found in the counter "Moves" (when the game is restarted without it finished, this counter doesn't assume the zero value).
- Block the difficulties selector during the game running, due to avoid it to change .cards Grid-layout properties.