This is based on
A simple WebRTC Audio / Video call test page using web socket transport
- Uses node.js and WebSocket.
- Supports Chrome and Firefox.
- No need for a Web Server.
- Supports HTTPS and secure websocket wss.
- Supports H264 and VP8, see useH264 flag in code in index.html.
- Node.js and WebSocket
- Clone this repo to your machine, does not need to be to a traditional web server. Can be same machine as browser or another one.
- Generate keys unless you have real ones, run these commands in the same folder as app.js (find equivalant commands for Windows or Linux these are for Mac).
- openssl genrsa -out webrtcwwsocket-key.pem 1024
- openssl req -new -key webrtcwwsocket-key.pem -out webrtcwwsocket-csr.pem
- openssl x509 -req -in webrtcwwsocket-csr.pem -signkey webrtcwwsocket-key.pem -out webrtcwwsocket-cert.pem
- run 'sudo node app.js'
- You may get errors, if you do then install WebSocket in that folder, e.g. 'sudo npm install websocket'
- Point two browsers to e.g. https://<your ip address> accept self signed certs.
- Two clients can be browsers on the same machine, tabs in the same browser or on two separate machines.
- Start media and connect.