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The Interpreter for Z-Language, written in Scheme0

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The Interpreter for Z-Language, written in Scheme0

What's Scheme0?

It is a toy language from the Chapter 5 of an (awesome) book on partial evaluation, for which the authors of the book have published a partial evaluator, written in, you guessed it, Scheme0.

Why would you even care about Scheme0?

Well, having a partial evaluator for a language, written in the language, allows you to unleash the full power of the Futamura Projections.

Futamura Projections


mix: A Partial Evaluator (a.k.a. Specializer):

  • receiving programs in a language S0
  • and a part of their input;
  • outputting programs in S0;
  • and ideally itself written in S0.

p_S0: A Program:

  • written in S0;
  • taking some input i, that can be split into i_1 and i_2 (feel free to leave one of these empty);
  • producing some output.
  • Like this:
output = p_S0(i_1, i_2)

z_int: An interpreter for some language Z:

  • written in S0;
  • taking some program in language Z as input;
  • also taking the program's input i;
  • producing the result of "running" p_z on i.
  • Just like that:
result = z_int(p_z, i)

A side note (you may skip it, because it might be dreadfully misguiding):

You might be wondering what's so special about S0, that the S0-programs can just "run", whereas Z-programs require an interpreter written in S0 to run. The short answer is idk lol))0). A longer answer, which I totally don't claim to be correct and use it at your own risk you have been warned, is that we just happen to have access to a "runtime" for S0, that can just "run" S0 programs. Such "runtime" might also exist for Z, but we don't have access to it or don't want to use it. Here is a metaphor that helps me wrap my mind around this concept: suppose you can email a code for an S0-program and input for the program to an undergrad student, who happens to understand S0, and who will email you back with a result. Suppose there is also a student who understands Z, but that student is kinda busy with whatever undergrad students may be busy with. But you totally need to run some Z code. So you conjure up an interpreter for Z in S0, and send the helpful student this interpreter with instructions to use your Z code and input to your Z code as input for the Z interpreter (which is an S0 program). This will work, but might seem as a bit of a hassle, as all you really care about is your Z code and not the interpreter, so it's kinda silly to keep sending it every time you want some Z code evaluated. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to automatically translate Z code into equivalent S0 code, and just "run" it?

The Specialization Equation

output = p_S0(i_1, i_2) = mix(p_S0, i_1) (i_2)

The First Futamura Projection

result = z_int(p_z, i) = mix(z_int, p_z) (i)

p_z_C = mix(z_int, p_z)
result = p_z_C(i)

So, according to The Specialization Equation, p_z_C is a program in S0, which has the same behavior as p_z. Whoa, we just compiled our program from Z to S0! Wait, there's more.

The Second Futamura Projection

p_z_C = mix(z_int, p_z) = mix(mix, z_int) (p_z)

z_compiler = mix(mix, z_int)
p_z_C = z_compiler(p_z)

Looks like we have a compiler now! But wait, there's even more!

The Third Futamura Projection

z_compiler = mix(mix, z_int) = mix(mix, mix) (z_int)

compiler_generator = mix(mix, mix)
z_compiler = compiler_generator(z_int)
py_compiler = compiler_generator(py_int)  # py_int must be written in S0 though

So, mix(mix, mix) is a compiler generator. Totally makes sense.

What's your Z language then?

You can check out the semantics in zlang.tex. To compile the LaTeX, you will need a defs.tex from here, and a bunch of packages, installable via CTAN. The code for the interpreter is, obviously, is in zlang.s0.

Now I want to try it myself!

  1. Install Gambit Scheme. You can use brew install gambit-scheme on the Mac, but it doesn't link the needed binary into /usr/local/bin, so you will have to locate the executable, which is called gsi, yourself (try /usr/local/Cellar/gambit-scheme/...).
  2. Download the source code for Scheme0 and the Scheme0 Specializer from the book's webpage (Chapter 5).
  3. Copy zlang.s0 into the directory with the book code.
  4. Go to that directory.
  5. Run gsi and feel free to try these snippets:
(load "")
(load "zlang.s0")
;; enough boilerplate!

;; You now have access to Z-interpreter as z-int
;; And it's code as z-int-code
;; btw. SORRY for - vs _ inconsistencies :(

;; let's define a Z program
(define p_z '(++ 4 (i-t-e x (++ y 5) (++ y x))))

;; run it!
;; btw. the interpreter happens to need a list of variable names
;; and a list of the corresponding numerical values
;; in addition to the p_z source code
(z-int p_z '(x y) '(4 5))
;; Should output 14 maybe...

;; Now do the Futamura Projections

;; This has something to do with 'Annotations'
;; and 'Binding-Time Analysis', for which I will
;; just direct you to the Chapter 5 of The Book
(define z-int-SSD (monotate z-int-code '(S S D)))

;; Now compile the p_z
(define p_z_C-code (spec z-int-SSD (list p_z '(x y))))
p_z_C-code  ;; You can check out the code and see what's what

(make 'p_z_C p_z_C-code)
(p_z_C '(4 5))
;; Should still be 14...

;; Now to the Futamura 2
(define spec-SD (monotate specializer '(S D)))
(define z_compiler-code (spec spec-SD (list z-int-SSD)))
(make 'z_compiler z_compiler-code)
(make 'p_z_C_too (z_compiler (list p_z '(x y))))
(p_z_C_too '(4 5))
;; Should be 14

;; And the third one!
(make 'cogen (spec spec-SD (list spec-SD)))
(make 'z_compiler_too (cogen (list z-int-SSD)))
(make 'p_z_C_too_2 (z_compiler_too (list p_z '(x y))))
(p_z_C_too_2 '(4 5))
;; 14?

There is also a file in the book code archive, cryptically called run.121002-1, in which the authors of Scheme0 provide some of their own examples.

Thanks for reading :)


The Interpreter for Z-Language, written in Scheme0






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