This project is part of the Zero-To-Mastery Web Development course, taught by Andrei Neagoie.
It is a full-stack web application that users can use Clarifai API to detect faces in an image. This repository is the front-end. For the back-end repository, visit here.
The live project is available here. (First interaction like login/signup might be slow due to cold start).
- Responsive ReactJS front-end with account registration and login forms
- PostgreSQL database for storing users' login credentials with password hashing and their number of submissions
- ExpressJS backend that handles account logins, registrations and API calls to Clarifai API
- JavaScript
- React.JS
- Tachyons - CSS toolkit
- Express.js - Node.js web framework
- bcrypt - encryption library to hash and compare user's password
- knex.js - query builder library to interact with PostgreSQL
- cors - enable cross-origin-resource sharing since front-end and back-end are hosted on different domains
- clarifai - Clarifai API JavaScript client used to interact with their API
- PostgreSQL - database to store users' credentials and their number of submissions
- Clarifai by using a face detection model
- Front-end: to GitHub Pages using gh-pages npm package
- Back-end: to Heroku using git