Releases: lsst-sqre/tap-postgres
Releases · lsst-sqre/tap-postgres
What's Changed
- Upgrade mysql-connector to 8.4.0 by @stvoutsin in #32
Full Changelog: 1.17.2...1.17.3
- Fixed Capabilities based on standard, mainly Table Access and authentication related
- Refactor UWSInitAction class a bit, make sure each call in the schema init process is separate
What's Changed
- Fix Capabilities / Refactor UWSInitAction by @stvoutsin in #31
Full Changelog: 1.17.1...1.17.2
- Added PgsphereDeParser to AdqlQueryImpl / Fixes issue with queries having quotes around column names ("size")
What's Changed
- Fix issue with quoted column names in recent tap-postgres release by @stvoutsin in #30
Full Changelog: 1.17.0...1.17.1
New features
Updated cadc libraries to more recent version. Moved to using the cadc-tomcat Docker image
What's Changed
- Bump cadc dependency versions & switch to using cadc-tomcat image by @stvoutsin in #28
Full Changelog: 1.16.0...1.17.0
New features
- Added UWSInitAction class, which can be used to initialise the database schema & tables for UWS. Modified the web.xml to run the class on initialisation
Bug fixes
- Freeze the cadc-tap dependencies to the versions that came with the most recently released image, to address backwards incompatible changes in the most recent cadc-tap util package release
What's Changed
- Tickets DM-44524 - Enable CloudSQL UWS database for SSO TAP service by @stvoutsin in #27
New Contributors
- @stvoutsin made their first contribution in #27
Full Changelog: 1.15.0...1.16.0
Add in type coercian for math types
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.14.1...1.15.0
Control memory usage better with cursor read
If we use cursors to read the large results, this could help the memory usage, as once we read a row we throw it away. If we don't use cursors then all the data from the results of the query seem to get loaded into memory before being returned (to write the results to google).
Support hidden pgsphere columns in ObsCore tables pretending to be s_region
What's Changed
- Bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #22
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in #20
- Bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #21
- [DM-41493] Add an ObsCoreRegionConverter by @cbanek in #24
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: 1.13.0...1.14.0
Support for rewriting access_url
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.12...1.13.0
TAP_UPLOAD prototype
This works with TOPCAT in the SSO postgres tap deployment