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Pull requests: ls1intum/Artemis

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Pull requests list

Development: Refactor Course Dashboard Filtering assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module iris Pull requests that affect the corresponding module lecture Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10365 opened Feb 18, 2025 by chrisknedl Draft
6 of 16 tasks
Development: Update version of SAML2 core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!)
#10362 opened Feb 18, 2025 by dfuchss Draft
31 tasks
Communication: Adjust message container height and send button client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!)
#10361 opened Feb 18, 2025 by rabeatwork Loading…
12 of 16 tasks
Programming exercises: Add notifications for SSH and personal VCS access token creation and expiry client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module database Pull requests that update the database. (Added Automatically!). Require a CRITICAL deployment. programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) template tests
#10358 opened Feb 18, 2025 by SimonEntholzer Loading…
12 of 15 tasks
Integrated code lifecycle: Allow instructor to set Docker Performance flags for programming exercises buildagent Pull requests that affect the corresponding module client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10356 opened Feb 18, 2025 by BBesrour Loading…
27 tasks
Communication: Fix message search not showing results from some conversations bugfix client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) small tests
#10345 opened Feb 16, 2025 by asliayk Loading…
7 of 10 tasks
Programming exercises: Provide theia clone information on redirect client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) config-change Pull requests that change the config in a way that they require a deployment via Ansible. programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10344 opened Feb 16, 2025 by iyannsch Loading…
24 tasks done
Exam mode: Participate in the test exam multiple times assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) database Pull requests that update the database. (Added Automatically!). Require a CRITICAL deployment. exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10340 opened Feb 16, 2025 by coolchock Loading…
16 of 24 tasks
Development: Enhance LTI features client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module database Pull requests that update the database. (Added Automatically!). Require a CRITICAL deployment. lti Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10338 opened Feb 16, 2025 by raffifasaro Loading…
18 of 25 tasks
Development: POC for improving Spring configuration via properties/profiles athena Pull requests that affect the corresponding module buildagent Pull requests that affect the corresponding module config-change Pull requests that change the config in a way that they require a deployment via Ansible. core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10336 opened Feb 15, 2025 by ole-ve Draft
Communication: Allow user to forward messages client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module database Pull requests that update the database. (Added Automatically!). Require a CRITICAL deployment. feature ready to merge server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10331 opened Feb 15, 2025 by asliayk Loading…
23 tasks done
Adaptive learning: Add repeated tests to learning paths atlas Pull requests that affect the corresponding module client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10330 opened Feb 15, 2025 by JohannesStoehr Loading…
15 tasks done
Development: Introduce plagiarism module API assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module atlas Pull requests that affect the corresponding module communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module plagiarism Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10296 opened Feb 8, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
5 of 11 tasks
Development: Introduce lti module API assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module lti Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10295 opened Feb 8, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
5 of 11 tasks
Development: Introduce athena module API athena Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module fileupload Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10294 opened Feb 8, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
5 of 11 tasks
Integrated code lifecycle: Unify ssh usage config condition for build agents buildagent Pull requests that affect the corresponding module config-change Pull requests that change the config in a way that they require a deployment via Ansible. ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!)
#10293 opened Feb 8, 2025 by jfr2102 Loading…
3 of 8 tasks
Plagiarism checks: Inform instructors when student replies on a plagiarism case client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module plagiarism Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) template
#10287 opened Feb 7, 2025 by az108 Loading…
27 tasks done
Communication: Update group postings in-place client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) ready for review
#10283 opened Feb 6, 2025 by badkeyy Loading…
15 of 21 tasks
Development: Remove Artemis Test Module tests
#10275 opened Feb 6, 2025 by tobias-lippert Draft
4 of 6 tasks
Development: Introduce tutorialgroup module API client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests tutorialgroup Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10266 opened Feb 4, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
8 of 9 tasks
Development: Introduce exam module API assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module fileupload Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10262 opened Feb 4, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
5 of 11 tasks
Development: Introduce fileupload module API atlas Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module fileupload Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready to merge server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10258 opened Feb 4, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
10 of 11 tasks
Development: Introduce text module API assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module athena Pull requests that affect the corresponding module atlas Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module iris Pull requests that affect the corresponding module plagiarism Pull requests that affect the corresponding module ready for review server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10257 opened Feb 4, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
5 of 11 tasks
General: Generalize icon in Cancel button for consistency client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) stale
#10244 opened Feb 1, 2025 by laxerhd Loading…
7 of 18 tasks
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