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acitivity plugin draft
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lowlighter committed Nov 23, 2023
1 parent 3b662ba commit a2da01d
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Showing 8 changed files with 716 additions and 7 deletions.
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion source/engine/utils/github.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,30 @@ const regex = {
repository: /^(?<owner>[^/]+)\/(?<name>[^/]+)$/,
} as const

/** Common ignored patterns */
export const ignored = {
"[email protected]",

/** Reactions */
export const reactions = {

/** Parse handle */
export function parseHandle(handle: string, options: { entity: "user" | "organization" }): { login: string }
export function parseHandle(handle: string, options: { entity: "repository" }): { owner: string; name: string }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +62,7 @@ export function matchPatterns(patterns: string | string[], value: unknown) {
let match = false
for (const pattern of [patterns].flat(Infinity) as string[]) {
const negate = pattern.startsWith("!")
const regex = globToRegExp(pattern.replace(/^!/, ""), { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: true })
const regex = globToRegExp(pattern.replace(/^!/, ""), { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: true, os:"linux" })
if (regex.test(`${value}`)) {
match = !negate
Expand Down
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions source/plugins/activity/mod.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
// Imports
import { is, parse, Plugin } from "@engine/components/plugin.ts"
import { matchPatterns, parseHandle, ignored, reactions } from "@engine/utils/github.ts"
import {markdown} from "@engine/utils/markdown.ts"

const user = is.object({
login: is.string().describe("User login"),
avatar: is.string().describe("User avatar url"),
type: is.string().describe("User type"),

const repository = is.object({
name: is.string().describe("Repository name"),
owner: user.describe("Repository owner"),
description: is.string().describe("Repository description"),
fork: is.boolean().describe("Repository is a fork"),
template: is.boolean().describe("Repository is a template"),
archived: is.boolean().describe("Repository is archived"),
created:"Repository creation date"),
stargazers: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Repository number of stargazers"),
watchers: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Repository number of watchers"),
forks: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Repository number of forks"),
issues: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Repository number of open issues"),
language: is.object({
name: is.string().describe("Repository language name"),
color: is.string().describe("Repository language color"),
}).describe("Repository language"),
license: is.string().nullable().describe("Repository license"),
topics: is.array(is.string()).describe("Repository topics"),

const issue = is.object({
author: user.describe("Issue author"),
number: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Issue number"),
title: is.string().describe("Issue title"),
content: is.string().nullable().describe("Issue content"),
labels: is.array(is.object({name: is.string(), color: is.string()})).describe("Issue labels"),
assignees: is.array(user).describe("Issue assignees"),
milestone: is.string().nullable().describe("Issue milestone"),
comments: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Issue number of comments"),
reactions: is.record(is.number().int().min(0)).describe("Issue reactions"),

const event = {
timestamp: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Event timestamp"),
actor: user.describe("Event actor"),
repository: repository.pick(({name:true})).describe("Event repository"),

/** Plugin */
export default class extends Plugin {
/** Import meta */
static readonly meta = import.meta

/** Name */
readonly name = "📰 Recent activity"

/** Category */
readonly category = "github"

/** Description */
readonly description = "Display recent activity on GitHub"

/** Supports */
readonly supports = ["user", "organization", "repository"]

/** Inputs */
readonly inputs = is.object({
visibility: is.union([
is.literal("public").describe("Includes public events only"),
is.literal("all").describe("Includes public and private events (n.b. still subject to token permissions)"),
]).default("public").describe("Activity events visibility"),
users: is.object({
matching: is.preprocess((value) => [value].flat(), is.array(is.coerce.string())).default(() => ["*", ...ignored.users]).describe("Include users matching at least one of these patterns"),
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Users options"),
repositories: is.object({
matching: is.preprocess((value) => [value].flat(), is.array(is.coerce.string())).default(() => ["*/*", ...ignored.repositories]).describe("Include repositories matching at least one of these patterns"),
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Repositories options"),
activity: is.object({
timestamps: is.boolean().default(false).describe("Include activity events timestamps"),
filter: is.object({
issues: is.object({
action: is.array(is.string()).default(() => []).describe("Include issues matching at least one of these actions"),
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Issues filtering options"),

watch: is.object({
// started
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Watch filtering options"),
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Filtering options"),
}).default(() => ({})).describe("Activity options"),
limit: is.number().int().min(1).nullable().default(5).describe("Display limit. Set to `null` to disable"),

/** Outputs */
readonly outputs = is.object({
events: is.array(is.union([
type: is.literal("issue").describe("Event type"),
action: is.string().describe("Event action"),
issue: event.issue.describe("Event issue"),
type: is.literal("pullrequest").describe("Event type"),
number: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Pull request number"),
title: is.string().describe("Pull request title"),
content: is.string().describe("Pull request content"),
labels: is.array(is.object({name: is.string(), color: is.string()})).describe("Pull request labels"),
assignees: is.array(event.user).describe("Pull request assignees"),
milestone: is.string().nullable().describe("Pull request milestone"),
comments: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Pull request number of content comments"),
reactions: is.record(is.number().int().min(0)).describe("Pull request reactions"),
draft: is.boolean().describe("Pull request is a draft"),
head: is.object({
branch: is.string().describe("Pull request head branch"),
repository: is.string().describe("Pull request head repository"),
}).describe("Pull request head"),
base: is.object({
branch: is.string().describe("Pull request base branch"),
repository: is.string().describe("Pull request base repository"),
}).describe("Pull request base"),
changes: is.object({
additions: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Pull request number of additions"),
deletions: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Pull request number of deletions"),
files: is.number().int().min(0).describe("Pull request number of changed files"),
}).describe("Pull request changes"),
type: is.literal("release").describe("Event type"),
tag: is.string().describe("Release tag"),
title: is.string().describe("Release title"),
content: is.string().describe("Release patchnote"),
draft: is.boolean().describe("Release is a draft"),
prerelease: is.boolean().describe("Release is a prerelease"),
mentions: is.array(event.user)
type: is.literal("star").describe("Event type"),
repository: event.repository.describe("Event repository"),
])).describe("Activity events"),

/** EJS template additional rendering context */
protected _renderctx = { markdown }

/** Action */
protected async action() {
const { handle, entity } = this.context
const { visibility, users, repositories, activity, limit } = await parse(this.inputs, this.context.args)

let events = await, {username:handle!}, {paginate: true})

events = [...await Promise.all( ({type, created_at, payload, actor, repo}:{type:string, created_at:string, payload:Record<PropertyKey, any>, actor:{login:string, avatar_url:string}, repo:{name:string}}) => {
const event = {timestamp:new Date(created_at).getTime(), actor: { login: actor.login, avatar: actor.avatar_url, type: "user" }, repository: {name:} }
switch (type) {
case "CommitCommentEvent":{
return null
case "CreateEvent":{
return null
case "DeleteEvent":{
return null
case "ForkEvent":{
return null
case "GollumEvent":{
return null
case "IssueCommentEvent":{
return null
// Issue created
case "IssuesEvent": {
if (!["opened", "edited", "closed", "reopened", "assigned", "unassigned"].includes(payload.action))
return null
if (!matchPatterns(users.matching, payload.issue.user.login))
return null
return Object.assign(event, {type:"issue", action:payload.action, issue:this.issue(payload.issue)})
case "MemberEvent":{
return null
case "PublicEvent":{
return null
// Pull request created
case "PullRequestEvent":{
return null
if (!["opened", "edited", "closed", "reopened", "assigned", "unassigned"].includes(payload.action))
return null
if (!matchPatterns(users.matching, payload.pull_request.user.login))
return null
return Object.assign(event, {type:"pullrequest", action:payload.action, ...this.pullrequest(payload.pull_request)})
case "PullRequestReviewEvent":{
return null
case "PullRequestReviewCommentEvent":{
return null
case "PullRequestReviewThreadEvent":{
return null
case "PushEvent": {
return null //Object.assign(event, {type:"push", ...this.push(payload)})
// Release published
case "ReleaseEvent": {
return null
if (payload.action !== "published")
return null
return Object.assign(event, {type:"release", ...this.release(payload.release)})
case "SponsorshipEvent": { //created
return null
//Repository starred
case "WatchEvent": {
if (payload.action !== "started")
return null
const {data} = await, {"/")[0],"/")[1]})
return Object.assign(event, {type:"star", repository:this.repository(data)})
default: {
//console.log(type, payload)
}))].filter(event => event)

return {events}

private repository(repository:any) {
return {
name: repository.full_name,
owner: {
login: repository.owner.login,
avatar: repository.owner.avatar_url,
type: repository.owner.type.toLocaleLowerCase(),
description: repository.description,
fork: repository.fork,
template: repository.is_template,
archived: repository.archived,
created: new Date(repository.created_at),
stargazers: repository.stargazers_count,
watchers: repository.watchers_count,
forks: repository.forks_count,
language: {
name: repository.language,
color: "#959da5" //TODO(@lowlighter)
issues: repository.open_issues_count,
license: repository.license?.name ?? null,
topics: repository.topics,

private comment(comment:any) {
return {


private push(push:any) {
return {
branch: push.ref.replace(/^refs\/heads\//, ""),
commits:{sha, message}:Record<PropertyKey, string>) => ({sha, message})).reverse()

/** Format release content */
private release(release:any) {
return {
user: {
tag: release.tag_name,
content: release.body,
draft: release.draft,
prerelease: release.prerelease,
mentions: release.mentions?.map(({login, avatar_url}:Record<PropertyKey, string>) => ({login, avatar: avatar_url})) ?? [],

/** Format issue content */
private issue(issue:any) {
return {
author: {
login: issue.user.login,
avatar: issue.user.avatar_url,
type: issue.user.type.toLocaleLowerCase(),
number: issue.number,
title: issue.title,
content: issue.body,
labels:{name, color}:Record<PropertyKey, string>) => ({name, color})),
assignees:{login, avatar_url, type}:Record<PropertyKey, string>) => ({login, avatar: avatar_url, type: issue.user.type.toLocaleLowerCase() })),
milestone: issue.milestone?.title ?? null,
comments: issue.comments,
reactions: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(issue.reactions ?? {}).filter(([key]) => key in[key, value]) => [[key as keyof typeof], value])),

private pullrequest(pullrequest:any) {
return {
draft: pullrequest.draft,
head: {
branch: pullrequest.head.label,
repository: pullrequest.head.repo.full_name,
base: {
branch: pullrequest.base.label,
repository: pullrequest.base.repo.full_name,
changes: {
additions: pullrequest.additions,
deletions: pullrequest.deletions,
files: pullrequest.changed_files,
//merged_by user ?

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