######A plugin that adds git and vim-fugitive functionality to NERDtree
Very straight forward implementation that uses the NERDTree menu api to make calls to vim-fugitive. This plugin requires both scrooloose/nerdtree and tpope/vim-fugitive. Though you could also open the file and perform vim-fugitive calls from the commandline or via shortcuts, I find it useful to view the directory structure and be able to perform git functions directly from a GUI menu, especially with the xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin for visual markers.
I only worked on this for a few hours, so let me know if there are any bugs or features that could be improved/added. I'm also planning something similair for Cntrp
###Installation Install it with Vundle by putting `Bundle “low-ghost/nerdtree-fugitive” in your .vimrc.bundles or equivalent file, source your vimrc and run :BundleInstall in vim. Similar with Plug and NeoBundle.
###Additional Works well with Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin, which provides visual markers of file status.
###What it does: Adds a (g)it menu to the NERDtree menu, entered by toggling NERDtree and hitting ‘m’ then ‘g’
###The Menu
(a)dd - Git add without opening the file
(w)rite - open file and Gwrite
(l)og - open file and go to fugitive log window
(d)iff - open diff or merge conflict tool
(o)pen a version from another branch
(r)emove - open buffer then Gremove it and destroy the buffer
(b)lame - open file and go to Gblame quickfix window
(g)rep - search this file with normal grep
Ggr(e)p - search the full repo with git grep
(s)tatus - jump to file in fugitive status window
- scrooloose: NERDtree and its API
- tpope: vim-fugitive and Git wrapper
- Xuyuanp: optional visual elements