This is a generalized neural network package with clean and transparent API for the Go language. Also available for javascript github/lovesaroha/lnn.js
- Lightweight and Fast.
- Native Go implementation.
- Tensor Operations.
- Sequential Models.
- Support loss functions like (Mean Square Error).
- Opitmization algorithms like (Gradient Descent).
- Go 1.9 or higher. We aim to support the 3 latest versions of Go.
Simple install the package to your $GOPATH with the go tool from shell:
go get -u
Make sure Git is installed on your machine and in your system's PATH
// Create tensor of given shape.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4})
// Print values.
// Create tensor of given shape and (minimum, maximum).
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4} , -1 , 1)
// Print values.
// Scalar tensor.
stensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{} , -1 , 1)
// Print values.
// Slice of int to tensor and print values.
lnn.ToTensor([]int{1, 2, 3}).Print()
// 2d slice of int to tensor and print values.
lnn.ToTensor([][]int{[]int{1, 2},[]int{3, 4}}).Print()
// Value to tensor and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4} , 10 , 20)
tensorB := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4} , 0 , 10)
// Add and print values.
// Subtract and print values.
// Multiply and print values.
// Divide and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4} , 10 , 20)
tensorB := lnn.ToTensor(4)
// Add and print values.
// Subtract and print values.
// Multiply and print values.
// Divide and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 4} , 10 , 20)
tensorB := lnn.Tensor([]int{4, 3} , 0 , 10)
// Dot product and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 1} , 10 , 20)
// Print values.
// Transpose and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 3} , 10 , 20)
// Print values.
// Add columns and print values.
// Create a random tensor.
tensor := lnn.Tensor([]int{3, 3} , 0, 10)
// Print values.
// Square and print values.
tensor.Map(func (value float64) float64 {
return value * value
// Create a model.
model := lnn.Model()
// Add layer to model with 4 units , Input shape (2) and activation function relu.
model.AddLayer(lnn.LayerConfig{InputShape: []int{2}, Units: 4, Activation: "relu"})
// Add another layer to model with 1 unit and activation function sigmoid.
model.AddLayer(lnn.LayerConfig{Units: 1})
// Makes the model with given values of loss function , optimizer and learning rate.
model.Make(lnn.ModelConfig{Loss: "meanSquareError", Optimizer: "sgd", LearningRate: 0.2})
// Trains the model with given configuration.
model.Train(inputs, outputs, lnn.TrainConfig{Epochs: 1000, BatchSize: 4, Shuffle: true})
// Create a model.
model := lnn.Model()
// Add layer to model with 4 units , Input shape (2) and activation function relu.
model.AddLayer(lnn.LayerConfig{InputShape: []int{2}, Units: 4, Activation: "relu"})
// Add another layer to model with 1 unit and activation function sigmoid.
model.AddLayer(lnn.LayerConfig{Units: 1})
// Makes the model with given values of loss function , optimizer and learning rate.
model.Make(lnn.ModelConfig{Loss: "meanSquareError", Optimizer: "sgd", LearningRate: 0.2})
// Inputs and outputs as a tensor object.
inputs := lnn.ToTensor([][]float64{[]float64{1, 1, 0, 0}, []float64{1, 0, 1, 0}})
outputs := lnn.ToTensor([][]float64{[]float64{0, 1, 1, 0}})
// Trains the model with given configuration.
model.Train(inputs, outputs, lnn.TrainConfig{Epochs: 5000, BatchSize: 4, Shuffle: true})
// Print values.
// Learning rate.
learningRate := lnn.ToTensor(0.2)
size := lnn.ToTensor(4)
// Inputs and outputs as a tensor object.
inputs := lnn.ToTensor([][]float64{[]float64{1, 1, 0, 0}, []float64{1, 0, 1, 0}})
outputs := lnn.ToTensor([][]float64{[]float64{1, 1, 1, 0}})
// Weights and bias.
weights := lnn.Tensor([]int{2, 1} , -1, 1)
bias := lnn.Tensor([]int{}, -1, 1)
// Train weights and bias (epochs 1000).
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
// Use lmath package for Sigmoid(wx + b).
prediction := weights.Transpose().Dot(inputs).Add(bias).Map(lmath.Sigmoid)
dZ := prediction.Sub(outputs)
weights = weights.Sub(inputs.Dot(dZ.Transpose()).Divide(size).Mul(learningRate))
bias = bias.Sub(dZ.AddCols().Divide(size).Mul(learningRate))
// Show prediction.