Provides all the necessary shared files and helpers for the well functioning of the Lost Scripts® project.
Menu | ScriptResources | Utility |
- Lost Scripts/ls_webpage.lua | /ls/Misc shared resources | ls_utilities.lua |
ls_separator.lua | ... | ... |
There are actually two ways for installing custom scripts in Moho® and they apply the same to this kind of shareed resources container, so (as usually) you can choose the one that better suit your needs...
WARNING: Please, make sure you have uninstalled every Lost Script on your system before removing any of these shared resources or they may start throwing errors or stop working. For uninstalling a script, just remove any file and folder matching its name and restart Moho® or Reload Tools And Brushes if necessary.
If you want to collaborate with this project, you can do it by reporting bugs or suggestions in the Issues section (or in the corresponding topic, if any, in Scripting section of the Lost Marble Forum).
This project is licensed under the APACHE 2.0 license. You can read license details from the script's "About" window or by clicking LICENSE.
Copyright © 2024 - Rai López (Lost Scripts™)