An AppleScript for launching multiple applications that logs results to the Mac OS X system log.
-- Created by: Lorin Rivers
-- Created on: 02/10/14 10:25:38
-- AppleScript App Launcher by Lorin Rivers is licensed under an
-- MIT License.
-- Pass the application name to the function appLauncher
-- This AppleScript will request your admin password because it writes
-- to the system log. Other than that, it should be completely harmless.
-- provide a list of applications you want to launch in this form:
-- set launchThis to my appLauncher("Google Chrome Canary")
set launchThis to my appLauncher("Google Chrome Canary")
set launchThis to my appLauncher("Skype")
set launchThis to my appLauncher("TimeKeeper")
set launchThis to my appLauncher("Archy")
set launchThis to my appLauncher("LiveChat")
on appLauncher(appName)
-- call System Events to discover if an app is running or not
tell application "System Events"
-- if there are no apps named appName running
if (count (every process whose name is appName)) = 0 then
-- write to the system log. If the admin password request
-- is a concern, comment out every "do shell script" line
do shell script "logger " & appName & " is not running" with administrator privileges
-- ask Finder to launch the app named appName
tell application "Finder"
tell my application appName
end tell
-- write to the system log
do shell script "logger starting " & appName with administrator privileges
-- something bad happened
on error errMsg number errNum
do shell script "logger The errors are: " & errMsg & ": " & errNum with administrator privileges
end try
end tell
-- app named appName is running
do shell script "logger " & appName & " is already running" with administrator privileges
end if
end tell
end appLauncher