An attempt to maintain a singular resource of team logos for active, and retired esports teams.
Teams are divided based on game.
To request more images please create an issue or pull request.
- Find team(s) with missing logos, and their path
- Source image and save to desktop: game-name/team-name/team-name-logo.png on your desktop. Examples:
- csgo/faze-clan/faze-clan-logo.png
- league-of-legends/mineski/mineski-logo.png
- Open
- Drag and drop the folders
- Type a brief title / desciption within
Commit Changes
- Click "Create a New branch" and give the branch a name (Example:
Added team logos
orAdded Rebel Esports logo
) - Click
Commit Changes
- visit
- open up your developer console in browser (right click inspect, select console tab)
- refresh with console open
- If there are team logos missing, they will be shown in the error logs.
- this will tell you the broken image url, and the path we're expecting when you add the game. For example, the paths shown in the right of that screenshot are: