Server that collect app statistics data using flurry's api from
- send command requests via REST HTTP api.
- get running or finished jobs' information using REST HTTP api.
- copy data to hdfs storage for further processing.
- call api every second (flurry's rate limit)
- when jobs failed or finished, send mail to admin.
- collect stats of last n days.
- install ant, ivy
- more than jdk 1.6.x
- MySQL 5.0.x
- hadoop server (CDH 4.x or apache hadoop 2.0.x)
- [PrimeMailer] (
- download
- unzip
- ant resolve
- ant
- deploy ./rakeflurry-x.x.x.tar.gz and unzip
- ./conf/server.xml : copy from server.default.xml, set your port, hadoop server, PrimeMailer server.
- ./conf/hibernate.cfg.xml : copy from hibernate.cfg.default.xml, set your mysql information.
DB Configuration
- create database rakeflurry
- create schema using ./sql/create.sql on rakeflurry db.
- insert your server information into tb_worker.
Server management
- startup : ./bin/
- stop : ./bin/
default address : http://localhost:8100/rakeflurry/
- collect data from using api.
- only a collecting job can be executed at the certain time.
- after getting data, data moved to hdfs storage. Method
- HTTP POST Parameters
- id : your id. for authentification.
- password : your password. id and password must be the same to one specified in server.xml.
- options : options for collecting.
- duration : get data of last n days.
- multi : When true, collecting executed concurrently by multi-thread. (default : true) You can specify involved servers and num of threads of involved servers in tb_worker table. server read tb_worker when called /collect and then send request each server for concurrent exection. If not, server collect data by itself.
eg.) address : http://localhost:8100/rakeflurry/collect post message :
"id" : "your id",
"password" : "your password. ",
"options" : {"duration" : "30", "multi" : "true"}
- recover when /rakeflurry/collect fail.
- get failed jobs and retry those.
- working is the same with /rakeflurry/collect except about error job.
- Only a job can be executed; /rakeflurry/collect and /rakeflurry/recover can't be executed at the same time. Method
- HTTP POST Parameters
- id : your id. for authentification.
- password : your password. id and password must be the same to one specified in server.xml.
- options : options for collecting.
- duration : get data of last n days.
- dashboard_id : id that want recover. dashboard id returned by /rakeflurry/show.
eg.) address :
post message :
"id" : "your id",
"password" : "your password. ",
"options" : {"duration" : "30", "dashboard_id": "id number that returned from show api."}
- show status about running or finished jobs.
- after /rakeflurry/collect executed, check this api periodically, can know complete or error jobs.
- dashboard is a running, finished job result history. Method
- HTTP GET Parameters
- id (optional) : dashboard_id to show
- date (optional) : all dashboard yyyy-MM-dd format date to show
- recover (optional) : include recovery dashboard job results.
- showapi (optional) : when true, return detailed api calling results.
- show keymap data that is saved by calling /keymap/overwrite. Method
- HTTP GET Parameters
"results": [
"mbrNo": "anyid in flurry",
"apiKeys": [
"API KEY for app",
"API KEY for app"
- overwrute keymap data that is composed access code, api key. Method
- HTTP POST Parameters
- id : your id. for authentification.
- password : your password. id and password must be the same to one specified in server.xml.
- keymap
- mbrNo : unique id
- access code : received access code from
- api keys : api key list that want collect data.
"id": "your id",
"password": "your pass",
"keymap": [
"mbrNo": "anyid in flurry",
"apiKeys": [
"API KEY for app",
"API KEY for app"