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What is it

It's a java multi-threaded HTTP server (container).

  • A java process act as a HTTP server (container).
  • It's a container. Your classes can be run on the cask server with simple configuration.
  • Very easy to implement the server that provide HTTP api.
  • A thread run your class when a request is received.


Why not tomcat

When you use the Tomcat server, you can get the same result of the Cask server. But the Tomcat is not convenient for using in server level.

  • When a system constructed by UI(web) server + internal server, internal server doesn't need the functions such as UI, security, etc. It has only business logic.
  • Your application doesn't execute indepentantly in eclipse's debug mode. You need to register application to tomcat, and execute tomcat not your application
  • Executing tomcat in eclipse is slower than executing normal java program.
  • Tomcat can handle only http requests, background processes which executes forever when server startup are not supported.

What is needed in server level.

  • Needs implimentation of business logic that executed by GET, POST http requets, accessing DB or hadoop. not ui.
  • Development and debugging have to be easy in local PC.
  • Startup speed has to be fast for debugging.
  • Needs to handle background(batch) work, in addition to handle Http request.


  • Run as a jvm process. My module doesn't run on other process like tomcat, runs on my process.
  • So, very easy to debug in developing(on eclipse).
  • Startup fast. It's the same as normal java application.
  • Lightweight. Unnessary functions like UI, web security are removed.
  • It includes bulid configurations constrcted by ant + ivy, so easy to compile, deploy, manage version. sometimes, c/c++ server developers who usually use 'make' confuse using maven. They can use easily ant, because 'ant' and 'make' is similar and 'ant' is easier than 'make'.
  • It includes scripts for startup, stop server.
  • Not only handling logic per http request, but also handling background logic that starts when server startup and executes forever until server shutdown.

Internally, it implimented by tomcat embedded + spring.


  • If you need various functions as a web server such as UI, security, you have to use Tomcat or jetty.
  • Only support json as a http POST request.

How to use


java multi-threaded server container






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