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Adwaita One Dark v0.47.0 (GNOME 47/Feodra 41 beta)

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@lonr lonr released this 28 Sep 15:51
· 5 commits to main since this release

Adwaita One Dark

  • GNOME Shell theme. GNOME 47
  • Recolor GTK 4 (libadwaita) and GTK3 (adw-gtk3-dark)
  • GTK 2 theme
  • GtkSourceView

GNOME Shell Theme

We assume you install themes in ~/.local/share/themes

  • Download the .tar.xz file from releases and extract the folder to ~/.local/share/themes
  • Install GNOME Tweaks and User Themes Extension
  • Open gnome-tweaks and change the shell theme to Adwaita-One-Dark (Appearance -- Shell)

Recolor GTK 4 (libadwaita) and GTK3 (adw-gtk3-dark)

Install and enable the 3rd-party adw-gtk3-dark theme.

Create the following symbolic links:

ln -s ~/.local/share/themes/Adwaita-One-Dark/colors/gtk-dark.css ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
ln -s ~/.local/share/themes/Adwaita-One-Dark/colors/gtk-dark.css ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

Enable GTK 2.0 theme

Create the following symbolic link:

mkdir -p ~/.themes/adw-gtk3-dark
ln -s ~/.local/share/themes/Adwaita-One-Dark/gtk-2.0 ~/.themes/adw-gtk3-dark/gtk-2.0

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