A synthesizer for basic waveforms (triangle, saw, sine) which supports practically infinite polyphony. Kinda janky and has latency due to out321 & pipe buffering.
- Install mpg321 (for out123)
- Pull this repo
- Run
- Into stdin, create/delete tones with the following syntax, seperated by a newline each
// Each tone has a unique id.
// Tone: To create or alter a tone
// - T(wave,freq,vol,id) yes, no space
// - Example: T(sine,220,mf,24)
// - wave:
// - forms: sine,square,triangle,saw
// - vol:
// - constants: f=0,mf=1,mp=2,p=3,pp=4,ppp=5,pppp=6,ppppp=7
// - id:
// - value: uint
// - freq:
// - note: [letter][octave][accidental]
// - D4n D4b D4#
// - freq: uint
// - 220
// DelTone:
// - D(id)
// - D(24)
// - id:
// - uint