This versatile and user-friendly application demonstrates cross-platform compatibility, allowing users to access its features on various devices and operating systems. The app focuses on providing an enriching language learning experience by incorporating the following key features:
Pronunciation audios: The application offers audio playback functionality, allowing users to listen to accurate pronunciations of words. This feature enhances language learning by providing correct auditory references for proper pronunciation.
Support for multiple Parts of Speech: Users can explore different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and more. This comprehensive coverage enables a thorough understanding of word usage in various contexts, facilitating effective communication and vocabulary development.
Audio file caching: The app intelligently caches audio files to optimize data usage and provide offline access. By storing audio files locally, the app minimizes the need for repeated downloads, ensuring seamless playback even in low or no connectivity scenarios.
Through these features, the app aims to empower language learners, educators, and enthusiasts with an efficient and immersive learning experience. It combines convenience, accuracy, and accessibility to foster language proficiency and broaden vocabulary knowledge.
- Cross platform
- Pronounciation audios
- Supports multiple Parts of Speech
- Caches audio files to save data
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd dictionary
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Generate json serializers
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Run project
flutter run
- Dark mode support
- Add Etymology section
Client: Flutter, Dio, RxDart, Bloc
Hello there! 👋
I'm a 23-year-old frontend software developer based in Mumbai, India. Currently, I work at Tifin, a fintech startup based in the United States, where I contribute to building innovative and user-friendly software solutions.
Outside of work, I have a passion for exploring the magical world of Harry Potter and consider myself a devoted Potterhead. In my free time, you'll often find me engrossed in watching anime series or diving into captivating sci-fi movies and TV shows. I thoroughly enjoy indulging in these forms of entertainment, which not only entertain but also inspire me creatively.
Through my GitHub projects, I aim to showcase my skills and expertise as a frontend developer. I strive to create well-designed, efficient, and user-centric applications that make a positive impact. I believe in continuous learning and constantly honing my craft to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies.
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. Feel free to explore my projects and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or collaborations in mind. Let's connect and build amazing things together!
Happy coding! ✨
Dart, Flutter, Bloc, RxDart, Dio, etc.