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Deploy ngrest under Apache2 Web Server

Dmitry edited this page Feb 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

Deploying ngrest under Apache2 Web Server is intended to use ngrest in production. Simple http server shipped with ngrest is suitable for development purposes and for very small deployment only.

To deploy ngrest under Apache2 you need to complete few steps.

Install apache2 development package

sudo apt-get install libapr1-dev apache2-dev

Make sure ngrest module is compiled

touch ~/.ngrest/ngrest/CMakeLists.txt; make -C ~/.ngrest/ngrest-build
ls ~/.ngrest/ngrest-build/deploy/share/ngrest/modules/apache2/

You should see full path to ngrest module, not the "No such file or directory" error:


Install ngrest module configuration

sudo cp ~/.ngrest/ngrest/modules/apache2/conf/ngrest.* /etc/apache2/mods-available/

Edit ngrest module configuration

Edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/ngrest.load setting correct ngrest module location, e.g. replace YOUR_USERNAME with your username, for example:

LoadModule ngrest_module /home/user/.ngrest/ngrest-build/deploy/share/ngrest/modules/apache2/

Edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/ngrest.conf and set path where your ngrest services is stored, for example:

<IfModule mod_ngrest.c>

  # path to deploy ngrest services from
  ServicesPath /home/user/.ngrest/ngrest-build/deploy/share/ngrest/services
  # optional path to deploy ngrest filters from, if not set, no filters get deployed
  #FiltersPath /home/user/.ngrest/ngrest-build/deploy/share/ngrest/filters

  # location regex on which ngrest is bound.
  # this will bind /ngrest and /echo locations
  <Location ~ "/ngrest">
    SetHandler ngrest


Also you must edit Location directive setting regex to all your bound ngrest service resource paths.

For example, if your service is declared in root namespace myorg, myorg.calc.Calculator with default location:

namespace myorg {
namespace calc {
class Calculator: public ngrest::Service

Resource paths occupied with this service will be /myorg/calc/Calculator and all of your services are in myorg namespace, you must edit location like that:

  <Location "/myorg">

If you change resource path with *location: ... metacomment you must edit <Location ... as well.

If you're using two root namespaces, myorg1 and myorg2 you can change location like that:

  <Location ~ "/(myorg1|myorg2)">

In this case when you access the /myorg1/.... or /myorg2/.... ngrest module will activated with Apache2 and you can access your service.

Activate Apache2 ngrest module

sudo a2enmod ngrest

Restart Apache2 Web Server

sudo service apache2 restart

Test if ngrest module loaded and work

To test if module loaded and work you must access one of your services. If your ngrest.conf as in example you can access ngrest services tester with this URL: http://localhost/ngrest/services