This library provides:
Some funtions related to "std::string" or "char*"
- split: split a string into vector by a specifid delimeter
- strip: strip specified chars at both ends.
- join : python-like join. join strings together with specified delimeter among them.
- replace: replace a substring into specified new string.
A logger
- Independent, depends on nothing(not like log4cxx).
- Supporting daily logrotate(not like google log [glog])
- Supporting multi-thread write
- Supporting debug/release compiling(erase all debug functions).
- Unix/Posix/Max OS supported.
A config parser (cfg)
- support (string/boolean/int)
- automatic file-change dectection.
- support var/env for config like "key=${var}/other/${HOME}"
A serialized hash map
- Write/load a serialized hash-map.
A levenshtein distance(edit distance) calculator.
- Action costs ( del:insert:replace = 1:1:1 ) was defined to be equal.
- Change the costs as you wish.
- UTF8(CJK) supported and tested.
A Boyer_moore search function.
- Boyer_moore search algorithm was used by GNU grep.
- Boyer_moore is even 3~5 times faster than KMP.
- Writen by C-plusplus.
A bloom filter implementation.
- this is a powerful algorithm often used by crawler, cache and bigdata tools(hadoop,google bigtable).
- A counting mechanism will be added soon to support delete operation.
An Union_Find Set(Disjoint Set) algorithm inplementation.
- Disjoint sets are widly used by computing strongly connected component in graph.
- Disjoint sets are also used to solve LCA problem, and detect rings in graph.
An implementation of Skip-list
- Skip-list is a simple but powful data structure, on average, it's speed is likely RB-tree.
- Skip-list is used by Redis as the main frame for data storage and retrival.
- This is a simple implementation, you can use it to store kinds of key-values(being together in a structure)
- This Skip-list can be used as a hash-map(key value supported), a dynamic sorter, a data set.
An implementation of Splay_Tree
- Splay tree is a self-adjusting tree. it can optimize itself while working.
- Splay tree can be used as a cache naturally, because of its self-adjust feature. The Elements visited recently are all at the top of the tree.
- Comparing with RB-tree, splay tree saves more space, because it stores no color or other msg of balance.
An implementation of base64(decode/encode)
- Base64 is wildly used by MIME,urlencoding.
- Both 'b64encode' and 'b64decode' return a char* pointer, free it yourself.
require: gcc/g++ > 4.1