this is private emacs setting, but feel free to pull if you want to try.
this repo using leaf to manage all the pkgs instead of use-packages
set java running(for lsp-java)/linux find script path(for emacs xref)
(defvar JPATH (expand-file-name "bin/java.exe" J11PATH))
(defvar FPATH (expand-file-name "bin/find.exe" (getenv "GIT_HOME")))
in the project root dir run the following commands
> find . -type f -name '*.py' | grep -iv test | xargs etags -a
check tags table list value (tags-table-list)
set tags table list value (visit-tags-table)
settings for lsp-java
(defvar J8PATH (getenv "J8_HOME"))
(defvar J11PATH (getenv "J11_HOME"))
download coresponded version