App using OpenWeatherMap to display weather data.
This application is built using React and Redux. Some useful places to get started with these technologies are:
- Install packages. We recommend using yarn
yarn install
- Run
yarn start
- You can view the application at http://localhost:3000/
The application is created using create-react-app which is set up with hot-loading. On saving a file whilst running webpack will compile the code and reload the page in the browser.
4 - Change the app so that clicking on the "get weather" button adds a Weather Result row and keeps previous results.
This should show a list of day labels with the maximum temperatures. e.g.
Today: 6C Tomorrow: 7C Friday: 6.5C ...
The api call required to get the data for this is in weatherActions.js and here are helper functions in utils/date.js (getDaysOffset, and getCurrentDayNumber) which deal with timezones for you.