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Pneumonia Classification Using Chest X-Ray Images

DTU Machine Learning Operations

Team Members

  • Lukas Korinek (s246710)
  • Frederik Sartov Olsen (s204118)
  • Konstantinos-Athanasios Papagoras PhD (s230068)
  • Yessin Moakher (s250283)
  • Stiina Salumets (s250088)

Project Goal

The primary goal of this project is to classify pneumonia using chest X-ray images.

Framework and Usage

We will use the PyTorch Image Models (timm) framework for this project.

Dataset Information

This project aims to classify chest X-ray images into two categories: Pneumonia and Normal, using the Kaggle dataset "Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia)". The dataset contains 5,863 pediatric chest X-rays from Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center, all captured as part of routine clinical care and graded by expert physicians. For the initial stages of the project, we will use a subset of the dataset to verify that everything is running smoothly, before scaling up to the full dataset. The dataset is split into training, validation, and testing folders, making it ideal for this task. It was chosen for its simplicity and suitability for beginner-level image classification projects, especially in healthcare, and it seems feasible to implement within a short timeframe.


For this project, we will begin with a baseline model using a simple convolutional neural network (CNN) to establish a reference performance. We will then leverage pre-trained models from PyTorch’s image models framework, such as ResNet50, VGG16, and DenseNet, to improve classification accuracy. These models will be fine-tuned for our specific task by adapting the final layers to classify X-ray images into two categories: Pneumonia and Normal. We will use torchvision for accessing pre-trained models and data augmentation, and torch.optim for optimization, evaluating the models based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

Automation Tasks

This file contains automation tasks. It uses the invoke library.


  • Install invoke:
    pip install invoke
  • Create a .env file with required environment variables (e.g., WANDB_API_KEY).


Setup Tasks

  1. Create Environment

    invoke create-environment

    Creates a new Conda environment for the project (don't forget to activate it before installing requirements).

  2. Install Requirements

    invoke requirements

    Installs the project dependencies from requirements.txt and local pip configuration.

  3. Install Development Requirements

    invoke dev-requirements

    Installs development dependencies.

Core Tasks

  1. Preprocess Data

    invoke preprocess-data --percentage=<float>

    Preprocesses raw data and stores it in the processed directory. Use the --percentage argument to specify a fraction of data to process (default is 1.0).

  2. Train Model

    invoke train

    Executes the model training script.

  3. Run Tests

    invoke test

    Runs tests using pytest and generates a coverage report.

  4. Test Coverage Report

    invoke test-coverage

    Runs tests and displays a detailed coverage report.

Docker Tasks

  1. Build Docker Image

    invoke docker-build --progress=<plain|auto>

    Builds the Docker image for the project using the specified Dockerfile.

  2. Run Docker Training

    invoke docker-train

    Runs the training process in a Docker container. Requires WANDB_API_KEY in the environment.

W&B Tasks

  1. Run W&B Sweep
    invoke wandb-sweep --config-path=<path>
    Creates a Weights & Biases sweep from the specified config file and programmatically starts the agent. The default configuration path is configs/sweep.yaml. You can specify a different path using the --config-path argument if needed.

Formatting Tasks

  1. Format Code with Ruff
    invoke ruff-format
    Formats the project files using ruff.

Docs Tasks

  1. Build Documentation

    invoke build-docs

    Builds the project documentation using mkdocs.

  2. Serve Documentation

    invoke serve-docs

    Serves the project documentation locally for preview.


  • Ensure all required tools and dependencies are properly installed before running tasks.
  • For additional details, refer to the source code.

Directory Structure

The directory structure of the project looks like this:

├── .dvc/                     # Data version control
├── .github/                  # GitHub actions and dependabot
│   ├── dependabot.yaml
│   └── workflows/
│       └── tests.yaml
├── configs/                  # Configuration files
├── data/                     # Data directory
│   ├── processed
│   └── raw
├── dockerfiles/              # Dockerfiles
├── docs/                     # Documentation
├── models/                   # Trained models
├── notebooks/                # Jupyter notebooks
├── reports/                  # Reports
│   └── figures/
├── src/                      # Source code
│   └── mlops_project/
├── tests/                    # Tests
├── .dvcignore
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml            # Python project file
├──                 # Project README
├── requirements.txt          # Project requirements
├── requirements_dev.txt      # Development requirements
└──                  # Project tasks


DTU Machine Learning Operations Project







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