misaki is a Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure.
- Clojurescript
- Output customize
- Viewable with smartphone
- Expand built-in functions
;; Define template options here
; @layout default
; @title sample template
;; You can define function
(defn h1 [s] [:h1 s])
(h1 (:title site))
[:p "Welcome to misaki world!"]
(println "google-code-prettify highlight!")
$ git clone git://github.com/liquidz/misaki.git
$ cd misaki
$ lein run samples/blog
If you get "java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Can't recur here", please execute
rm -rf classes/cljs
to remove cljs classes, and run sample again.
Access http://localhost:8080 to check sample.
$ cp -pir samples/blog your-blog
$ lein run your-blog
While running local server, updated template file is compiled automatically.
$ vi your-blog/_template/index.html.clj
"misaki(美咲)" is woman's name in Japan, and it means "Bloom beautifully".
Copyright (C) 2013 Masashi Iizuka(@uochan)
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.