Contains 2 neo4j server extensions :
: used to load all graph data in memory cache./load-csv
: extension used to execute a LOAD CSV query using a remote CSV file that is uploaded./memdexpath
: Allow to extract Memdexpath from the database
POST /load-csv
Requires a "Content-Type:multipart/mixed"
This extension allow importing CSV files into existent neo4j database. The first line is the CSV header and is mandatory.
Each column header must be formatted as follow <attribute>.<name>(:<type>([]))
. Ex:
The type is optional, if not present, the default type is STRING. The possible type are :
If []
follow the type, the property value is defined as an array.
For CrossAttribute properties the <attribute>
is formatted as follow (<fromAttribute>»<toAttribute)
. Ex:
. Be aware that a tag
property must be present in header for each attribute
specified in the CrossAttribute field.
The request returns a json file:
- When execution succeeds (code 200) :
"stats": {
"nodes_deleted": 0,
"relationships_created": 0,
"relationships_deleted": 0,
"properties_set": 0,
"labels_added": 2,
"labels_removed": 0,
"indexes_added": 0,
"indexes_removed": 0,
"constraints_added": 0,
"nodes_created": 2,
"constraints_removed": 0,
"deleted_nodes": 0,
"deleted_relationships": 0
Copy neo4j-lo-extensions-*.jar file to neo4j plugins folder. Copy Guava and Metrics dependencies.
Edit to setup extensions base url:
mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=nexus::default::http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases