Monitoring changes in the source file and automatically compile and run (restart).
go get
Here's a config file sample, save the file as dogo.json:
"WorkingDir": "{GOPATH}/src/",
"SourceDir": [
"SourceExt": [".c", ".cpp", ".go", ".h"],
"BuildCmd": "go build",
"RunCmd": "example.exe",
"Decreasing": 1
WorkingDir: working directory, dogo will auto change to this directory.
SourceDir: the list of source directories.
SourceExt: monitoring file type.
BuildCmd: the command of build and compile.
RunCmd: the program (full) path.
Decreasing: Ignore the number of modifies, it's only start counting after build success. Now it's supported in linux and windows.
type the command to start:
or, specify a config file with -c
dogo -c=/path/to/dogo.json
the path can contain {GOPATH}.