- (Feature) Add support for Python 3.9 Lambdas
- (Bug Fix) Fix regression in SAM run configurations using file-based input (#2762)
- (Bug Fix) Fix CloudWatch sorting (#2737)
- (Feature) Add ability to view bucket by entering bucket name/URI
- (Bug Fix) Fix CWL last event sorting (#2737)
- (Bug Fix) Fix Go Lambda handler resolving into Go standard library (#2730)
- (Bug Fix) Fix
error after opening the AWS connection settings menu (#2736) - (Bug Fix) Fix some warnings due to slow operations on EDT (#2735)
- (Bug Fix) Fix Java Lambda run marker issues and disable runmarker processing in tests and language-injected text fragments
- (Feature) When uploading a file to S3, the content type is now set accoriding to the files extension
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to update Lambda configuration if the Image packaging type
- (Breaking Change) Python 2.7 Lambda template removed from New Project Wizard
- (Feature) Adding the ability to inject credentials/region into existing IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm Run Configurations (e.g Application, JUnit, Python, PyTest). This requires experiments
, see Enabling Experiments - (Feature) Add support for updating tags during SAM deployment
- (Feature) (Experimental) Adding ability to create a local terminal using the currently selected AWS connection (experiment ID
, see Enabling Experiments) #2151 - (Feature) Add support for pulling images from ECR
- (Bug Fix) Fix missing text in the View S3 bucket with prefix dialog
- (Bug Fix) Improved performance of listing S3 buckets in certain situations
- (Bug Fix) Fix copying action in CloudWatch Logs Stream and Event Time providing epoch time instead of displayed value
- (Bug Fix) Fix using message bus after project has been closed (Fixes #2615)
- (Bug Fix) Fix S3 bucket viewer actions being triggered by short cuts even if it is not focused
- (Bug Fix) Don't show Lambda run configuration suggestions on Go test code
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to create Python 3.8 Image-based Lambdas in New Project wizard
- (Bug Fix) Fixed showing templates that were not for Image-based Lambdas when Image is selected in New Project wizard
- (Deprecation) An upcoming release will remove support for IDEs based on the 2020.2 platform
- (Feature) Add support for AppRunner. Create/delete/pause/resume/deploy and view logs for your AppRunner services.
- (Feature) Add support for building and pushing local images to ECR
- (Feature) Add support for running/debugging Typescript Lambdas
- (Bug Fix) Fix Rider locking up when right clicking a Lambda in the AWS Explorer with a dotnet runtime in 2021.1
- (Bug Fix) While debugging a Lambda function locally, make sure stopping the debugger will always stop the underlying SAM cli process (#2564)
- (Feature) Add support for creating/debugging Golang Lambdas (#649)
- (Bug Fix) Fix breaking run configuration gutter icons when the IDE has no languages installed that support Lambda local runtime (#2504)
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue preventing deployment of CloudFormation templates with empty values (#1498)
- (Bug Fix) Fix cloudformation stack events failing to update after reaching a final state (#2519)
- (Bug Fix) Fix the Local Lambda run configuration always reseting the environemnt variables to defaults when using templates (#2509)
- (Bug Fix) Fix being able to interact with objects from deleted buckets (#1601)
- (Removal) Remove support for 2020.1
- (Removal) Lambda gutter icons no longer take deployed Lambdas into account due to accuracy and performance issues
- (Breaking Change) Minimum SAM CLI version is now 1.0.0
- (Feature) Debugging Python based Lambdas locally now have the Python interactive console enabled (Fixes #1165)
- (Feature) Add a setting for how the AWS profiles notification is shown (#2408)
- (Feature) Deleting resources now requires typing "delete me" instead of the resource name
- (Feature) Add support for 2021.1
- (Feature) Allow deploying SAM templates from the CloudFormaton node (#2166)
- (Bug Fix) Improve error messages when properties are not found in templates (#2449)
- (Bug Fix) Fix resource selectors assuming every region has every service (#2435)
- (Bug Fix) Docker is now validated before building the Lambda when running and debugging locally (Fixes #2418)
- (Bug Fix) Fixed several UI inconsistencies in the S3 bucket viewer actions
- (Bug Fix) Fix showing stack status notification on opening existing CloudFormation stack (#2157)
- (Bug Fix) Processes using the Step system (e.g. SAM build) can now be stopped (#2418)
- (Bug Fix) Fixed the Remote Lambda Run Configuration failing to load the list of functions if not in active region
- (Deprecation) 2020.1 support will be removed in the next release
- (Feature) RDS serverless databases are now visible in the RDS node in the explorer
- (Bug Fix) Fix transient 'Aborted!' message on successful SAM CLI local Lambda execution
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to open the file browser in the Schemas download panel
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to type/copy paste into the SAM local run config's template path textbox
- (Bug Fix) Fix Secrets Manager-based databse auth throwing NullPointer when editing settings in 2020.3.2 (Fixes #2403)
- (Bug Fix) Fix making an un-needed service call on IDE startup (#2426)
- (Feature) Add "Copy S3 URI" to S3 objects (#2208)
- (Feature) Add Dotnet5 Lambda support (Image only)
- (Feature) Add option to view past object versions in S3 file editor
- (Feature) Nodejs14.x Lambda support
- (Feature) Update Lambda max memory to 10240
- (Bug Fix) Re-add environment variable settings to SAM template based run configurations (#2282)
- (Bug Fix) Fix error thrown on profile refresh if removing a profile that uses source_profile (#2309)
- (Bug Fix) Fix NodeJS and Python breakpoints failing to hit sometimes
- (Bug Fix) Speed up loading CloudFormation resources
- (Bug Fix) Fix not invalidating credentials when a
is updated - (Bug Fix) Fix cell based copying in CloudWatch Logs (#2333)
- (Bug Fix) Fix certain S3 buckets being unable to be shown in the explorer (#2342)
- (Bug Fix) Fix exception thrown in the new project wizard when run immediately after the toolkit is installed
- (Bug Fix) Fixing issue with SSO refresh locking UI thread (#2224)
- (Feature) Container Image Support in Lambda
- (Bug Fix) Fix update Lambda code for compiled languages (#2231)
- (Breaking Change) Remove support for 2019.3, 2020.1 is the new minimum version
- (Feature) Add copy Logical/Physical ID actions to Stack View #2165
- (Feature) Add SQS AWS Explorer node and the ability to send/poll for messages
- (Feature) Add the ability to search CloudWatch Logs using CloudWatch Logs Insights
- (Feature) Add copy actions to CloudFormation outputs (#2179)
- (Feature) Support for the 2020.3 family of IDEs
- (Feature) Add an AWS Explorer ECR node
- (Bug Fix) Significantly speed up loading the list of S3 buckets (#2174)
- (Feature) Add support for
in AWS profile names - (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to use a SSO profile in a credential chain
- (Bug Fix) Fix Aurora MySQL 5.7 not showing up in the AWS Explorer
- (Bug Fix) Improve IAM RDS connection: Fix Aurora MySQL, detect more error cases, fix database configuration validation throwing when there is no DB name
- (Deprecation) 2019.3 support will be removed in the next release
- (Feature) Add the ability to copy the URL to an S3 object
- (Feature) Add support for debugging dotnet 3.1 local lambdas (requires minimum SAM CLI version of 1.4.0)
- (Feature) Add support for AWS SSO based credential profiles
- (Feature) Support colons (
) in credential profile names - (Feature) Add support for Lambda runtime java8.al2
- (Feature) Allow connecting to RDS/Redshift databases with temporary IAM AWS credentials or a SecretsManager secret
- (Feature) Several enhancements to the UX around connecting to AWS including:
- Making connection settings more visible (now visible in the AWS Explorer)
- Automatically selecting 'default' profile if it exists
- Better visibility of connection validation workflow (more information when unable to connect)
- Handling of default regions on credential profile
- Better UX around partitions
- Adding ability to refresh connection from the UI
- (Feature) Save update Lambda code settings
- (Bug Fix) Fix several cases where features not supported by the host IDE are shown (#1980)
- (Bug Fix) Start generating SAM project before the IDE is done indexing
- (Bug Fix) Fix several uncaught exceptions caused by plugins being installed but not enabled
- (Bug Fix) Fix removing a source_profile leading to an IDE error on profile file refresh
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue where templates > 51200 bytes would not deploy with "Deploy Serverless Application" (#1973)
- (Bug Fix) Fix the function selection panel not reloading when changing SAM templates (#955)
- (Bug Fix) Fix remote terminal start issue on 2020.2
- (Bug Fix) Fix Rider building Lambda into incorrect folders
- (Bug Fix) Improved rendering speed of wrapped text in CloudWatch logs and CloudFormation events tables
- (Bug Fix) Fix the CloudWatch Logs table breaking when the service returns an exception during loading more entries (#1951)
- (Bug Fix) Improve watching of the AWS profile files to incorporate changes made to the files outisde of the IDE
- (Bug Fix) Fix SAM Gradle Hello World syncing twice (#2003)
- (Bug Fix) Quote template parameters when deploying a cloudformation template
- (Feature) Wrap logstream entries when they are selected (#1863)
- (Feature) Adding 'Outputs' tab to the CloudFormation Stack Viewer
- (Feature) Support for SAM CLI version 1.x
- (Feature) Add support for 2020.2
- (Feature) Add word wrap to CloudFormation status reasons on selection (#1858)
- (Bug Fix) Fix CloudWatch Logs logstream scrolling up automatically in certain circumstances
- (Bug Fix) Change the way we stop SAM CLI processes when debugging to allow docker container to shut down
- (Bug Fix) Fix double clicking Cloud Formation node not opening the stack viewer
- (Bug Fix) Fix Cloud Formation event viewer not expanding as the window expands
- (Bug Fix) The project SDK is now passed as JAVA_HOME to SAM when building Java functions when not using the build in container option
- (Breaking Change) The toolkit now requires 2019.3 or newer
- (Feature) Add support for GoLand, CLion, RubyMine, and PhpStorm
- (Feature) Add the ability to build in container when updating function code (#1740)
- (Feature) Add refresh to S3 browser
- (Removal) Dropped support for run/debug of deprecated Lambda runtimes
- (Feature) Add support for selecting regions in other partitions
- (Feature) On refresh, AWS explorer tree nodes will no longer be collapsed
- (Feature) Add capabilities check boxes to serverless deploy (issue #1394)
- (Bug Fix) Fix duplicate entries in SAM Init panel (issue #1695)
- (Breaking Change) Minimum SAM CLI version has been increased to 0.47.0
- (Feature) Support for CloudWatch Logs. View, filter, and stream log streams as well as quickly view logs from Lambda or ECS Containers.
- (Feature) Add support for creating and running Lambdas with dotnet core 3.1. Debug support will come in a future release
- (Feature) Add mechanism for users to submit feedback from within the toolkit
- (Feature) Support for the 2020.1 family of IDEs
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue #1011, python test files will no longer be recognized as lambda handlers
- (Bug Fix) Fix a situation where a valid SAM executable would not be recognized as valid
- (Bug Fix) Fix several issues with updating the SAM cli while the IDE is open
- (Bug Fix) Close the S3 bucket viewer when you delete the bucket
- (Bug Fix) Correct the max file size that can be opened from the S3 browser to idea.max.content.load.filesize instead of a constant 5MB
- (Bug Fix) Fix stack overflow when a profile has a
but not asource_profile
- (Bug Fix) Fix SpeedSearch not working in S3 Bucket viewer
- (Removal) Removed the ability to create a new SAM project for dotnet core 2.0 since it is a deprecated runtime
- (Breaking Change) Remove NodeJS 8.10 from the new project wizard since the runtime is deprecated
- (Feature) IDE trust manager is now used to connect to AWS allowing configuration of untrusted certificates through the UI
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to use
with SAM build - (Bug Fix) Fixed not being able to view EventService Schemas on Windows 10
- (Breaking Change) Minimum SAM CLI version has been increased to 0.38.0
- (Breaking Change) Remove the Lambda nodes underneath of the CloudFromation stack in the explorer
- (Feature) Add S3 node and S3 Browser:
- Browse files and folders in a tree view
- Drag and drop upload
- Double click to open files directly in the IDE
- (Feature) Add support for NodeJS 12 SAM/Lambdas
- (Feature) Add support for Java 11 SAM/Lambda
- (Feature) Add support for Java 11 SAM/Lambdas
- (Bug Fix) Profile name restrictions has been relaxed to allow
. amd/
- (Feature) Added support for Amazon EventBridge schema registry, making it easy to discover and write code for events in EventBridge.
- (Breaking Change) Now requires a minimum version of 2019.2 to run
- (Feature) Enable Cloud Debugging of ECS Services (beta)
- (Feature) Respect the default region in config file on first start of the IDE
- (Feature) Allow credential_process commands (in aws/config) to produce up to 64KB, permitting longer session tokens
- (Feature) Adding support for WebStorm
- (Feature) Enabled pasting of key value pairs into the environment variable table of local AWS Lambda run configurations
- (Feature) Adding support for Rider
- (Bug Fix) Fix an IDE error showing up during "SAM local debug" caused by running "docker ps" on the wrong thread
- (Bug Fix) Browsing for files in the Lambda run configuration is now rooted at the project directory
- (Bug Fix) Add an error on empty CloudFormation template or template that lacks a "Resources" section
- (Bug Fix) Rider: Fix unsupported Node runtime showing up in the "Create Serverless Applications" menu
- (Bug Fix) Fix the IDE showing an error sometimes when the SAM template file is invalid
- (Bug Fix) Resolve initialization errors on 2019.3 EAP
- (Bug Fix) Fix getting SAM version timing out in some circumstances which caused SAM related commands to fail
- (Bug Fix) Fix being able to run "SAM local run" configurations without Docker running
- (Bug Fix) Fix IDE error caused by editor text field being requested at the wrong scope level
- (Bug Fix) Rider: Fix the "Deploy Serverless" menu not appearing when right clicking on the project view
- (Feature) A notification is shown on startup indicating that JetBrains 2019.2 or greater will be required in an upcoming AWS Toolkit release
- (Feature) Add --no-interactive to SAM init when running a version of SAM >= 0.30.0
- (Feature) Bump minimum SAM CLI version from 0.14.1 to 0.16.0
- (Feature) Adding support for JetBrains Platform version 2019.3.
- (Bug Fix) Fix error thrown adding Lambda gutter icons and not having any active credentials
- (Bug Fix) Fix validating a Lambda handler not under a ReadAction
- (Feature) Open Stack Status UI on CloudFormation stack deletion.
- (Feature) Removed requirement of having to double-click to load more resources in AWS Explorer if there is more than one page returned
- (Feature) Added a Copy Arn action to AWS Explorer
- (Feature) Move AWS Connection details into a common Run Configuration tab for remote and local Lambda execution.
- (Feature) Enable caching of describe calls to avoid repeated network calls for already known resources.
- (Feature) Support timeout and memory size settings in run configuration
- (Feature) Porting resource selector to use resource-cache so network won't be hit on each dialog load.
- (Feature) Add support to link Gradle project.
- (Feature) Additional SAM build and SAM local invocation args configurable from Run/Debug Configuration settings
- (Bug Fix) Fix the bug that PyCharm pipenv doesn't create the project location folder
- (Bug Fix) Fix the CloudFormation explorer node not showing Lambdas that belong to the stack
- (Bug Fix) Log errors to idea.log when we fail to swtich the active AWS credential profile
- (Bug Fix) Handle the "me-" region prefix Treat the "me-" region prefix as Middle East
- (Bug Fix) Fixing issue where explorer does not load even with credentials/region selected.
- (Bug Fix) Fixing random AssertionError exception caused by Guava cache.
- (Bug Fix) Fix the bug that underscores in profile names are not shown in AWS settings panel
- (Bug Fix) Fixed bug in Pycharm's New Project pane where VirtualEnv path is not changed as project path is changed after switching Runtime
- (Bug Fix) Handle non-cloudformation yaml files gracefully
- (Bug Fix) Fix thread issue in PyCharm new project wizard
- (Bug Fix) Fix the bug that toolkit throws unhandled exception on startup when active credential is not configured
- (Feature) Support Globals configuration in SAM template for serverless functions.
- (Feature) Enable searching for
when determining if a python method is a handler to match SAM build - (Feature) Enable toolkit in 2019.2 EAP
- (Feature) Support building only the requested function when sam cli version is newer than 0.16
- (Bug Fix) Upgraded AWS Java SDK to pull in latest model changes (#1099)
- (Bug Fix) Fix DynamoDB template for Python does not create correctly.
- (Bug Fix) Fix DaemonCodeAnalyzer restart not happening in a read action (#1012)
- (Bug Fix) Fix the bug when project is in different drive than the temp folder drive for Windows. #950
- (Bug Fix) Fix invalid credentials file reporting an IDE error
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue where modifying a cloned run config results in mutation of the original
- (Bug Fix) Fix runtime exceptions on project startup and run configuration validation
- (Bug Fix) Fix read/write action issues when invoking a Lambda using SAM (#1081)
- (Bug Fix) Make sure all STS assume role calls are not on the UI thread (#1024)
- (Feature) Usability enhancements to the CloudFormation UI
- (Feature) Open README.md file after creating a project
- (Feature) Auto-create run configurations when using the New Project wizard
- (Feature) Enable toolkit in 2019.2 EAP
- (Bug Fix) Fix unable to map paths that have
in them - (Bug Fix) Do not load proxy settings from Java system properties since it conflicts with IDE setting
- (Bug Fix) Make sure we commit all open documents if using a file-based event input (#910)
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to open an empty credentials/config file for editing
- (Feature) Respect IDE HTTP proxy settings when making calls to AWS services. Fixes #685.
- (Feature) Add Tooltips to the UI components
- (Feature) Java 8 Maven projects created through the Project Wizard templates will auto-import
- (Feature) Optimize plugin start up and responsiveness by making sure AWS calls happen on background threads
- (Feature) Added plugin icon
- (Feature) Documentation link added to AWS Explorer's gear menu
- (Feature) Add more help links from Toolkit's UI components into tech docs
- (Feature) Support credential_process in profile file.
- (Bug Fix) Fix being unable to add breakpoints to Python Lambdas on Windows, Fixes #908
- (Bug Fix) Fix gutter icon not shown in Project whoses runtime is not supported by Lambda but runtime group is supported
- (Bug Fix) Fix building of a Java Lambda handler failing due to unable to locate build.gradle/pom.xml Fixes #868, #857
- (Bug Fix) Fix template not found after creating a project, fixes #856
- (Breaking Change) Minimum SAM CLI version has been increased to 0.14.1
- (Feature) You can now specify a docker network when locally running a Lambda
- (Feature) You can now specify if SAM should skip checking for newer docker images when invoking local Lambda functions
- (Feature) Add Gradle based SAM project template
- (Feature) Java8 functions using
sam build
can now be deployed - (Feature) Building of Python based Lambda functions has been migrated to using
sam build
. This adds the option to use a container-based build during local run/debug of Lambda functions. - (Feature) The AWS CLI config and credential files are now monitored for changes. Changes automatically take effect.
- (Feature) Enable support for IntelliJ/Pycharm 2019.1
- (Feature) Add option to use a container-based build during serverless application deployment
- (Feature) Enable support for running, debugging, and deploying Python 3.7 lambdas
- (Feature) Building of Java 8 based Lambda functions has been migrated to using
sam build
(Maven and Gradle are supported). - (Bug Fix) Fix sort order for CloudFormation nodes in the AWS Explorer
- (Bug Fix) Clarify validation error when SAM CLI is too old
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue where 'Edit Credentials' action didn't check for both 'config' and 'credentials'
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue where the cancel button in the Serverless Deploy progress dialog did nothing
- (Bug Fix) Improve 'Invalid AWS Credentials' messaging to include error details
- (Bug Fix) Unable to edit AWS credential file via pycharm (#759)
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue where invalid AWS Credentials prevent plugin startup
- (Bug Fix) Require SAM run configurations to have an associated credential profile (#526)
- (Feature) Additional information provided when AWS Explorer isn't able to load data - #634 #578
- (Feature) Able to view CloudFormation stack details by double clicking it in the Explorer
- (Feature) Added AWS Credential validation when changing profiles
- (Bug Fix) Fix case where packaging Java code was not releasing file locks #694
- (Bug Fix) Suppress FileNotFoundException that can be thrown if the endpoints file fails to download
- (Bug Fix) Fixed issue where accounts without Lambda access were unable to open CloudFormation stack nodes
- (Bug Fix) Use us-east-1 instead of global endpoint for STS
- (Bug Fix) Ignore .DS_Store files when building Lambda zip (#725)
- (Bug Fix) Fix IllegalStateException: context.module must not be null (#643)
- (Bug Fix) Fixed issue on OS X where the SAM CLI is unable to use an UTF-8 locale.
- (Bug Fix) Fix the status message for certain states during CloudFormation stack updates (#702)