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Andrew Williams edited this page May 24, 2021 · 34 revisions


Welcome to our News page.

It's here that we'll add occasional updates for users as to where we are, and what we're working on, as well as snippets of news we feel would benefit our users, in the quest to have a great setup.

It's Alive!

OOMidi-2011 is out!

Yes, our latest release is out in the community, and available to users.

We've had great positive feedback already and a LOT of interest from users old and new. It's fantastic to see and hear about others using OOM, and telling us about their experiences. We look forward to hearing masterpieces of music created in OOM, and we'll do our bit to refine the install and use of OOM as much as possible, so you can enjoy your musicmaking even more.

Many many thanks to the early adopters, and the valuable feedback they continue to give us. It helps all of us, the OpenOctave development team and the OOMidi community!

We were most amused, but not at all surprised, to see the **Arch** team got the first packaged version of OOMidi out to their users. Well done fellas, you're just too sharp for the rest of us!
Thanks to all packagers who have been keen to see OOMidi built for their users, and we hope those users continue to appreciate the efforts packagers make on their behalf. We hope to see other distro versions of OOMidi appear in the very near future. Who's going to be next!?

Stay tuned!

Libre Graphics world OOMidi-2011 article

While our release was still warm, from being fresh out of the oven, Alexandre Prokoudine put together an article about OOMidi-2011 for his well-known and respected Libre Graphics World website.

Check it out!

Had a test this week of Gabriel Benningfield's Composite LV2 plugin, and it went pretty well. For those users who struggle sometimes with the timing in Hydrogen, Gabriel has used the backend, added jackmidi and built the LV2.

I tested using both Zynjacku, and lv2_jack_host, as hosts for the plugin, and both performed ok, with no dropouts or segfaults. Composite reads Hydrogen drumkits, and the user can add them to a preset file, giving each a patch number in turn. When used with lv2_jack_host, the plugin is loaded in a terminal, and will by default load the first drumkit, which in our case, was the GM drumkit (patch 0). From OOM, I created a "composite" jackmidi port, and directed the outs to composite/lv2_jack_host, then ran the plugin audio back into OOM. Then I created a midi drum track, and set composite as the midi out port.

It all just worked, and from the track input, my midi keyboard, i was able to "play" the kit just fine, with good timing, during recording and playback. Using OOM's Performer, i was able to "draw" some nifty drum sequences, using Composite as the Drum Engine, so for those who want or need Drums, and don't have a gig file to do the same in Linuxsampler, then Composite may be a good alternative for you.

Had a great time with Composite, and it ran all day without complaint, or crash. This is definitely one to keep, and i'll be watching Gabriel's site for updates, and news.

This would make a great LV2 plugin, with a simple interface to swap kits with. (Preferably midi bank and patch format, so users can "write" program changes in a midi track).

For more about Composite, and Gabriel's Tritium engine project, go to:


Thanks Gabriel, nice work.

For our Gentoo users, we now have our own overlay, which can be installed with layman, called oomidi.

To add oomidi to your list of overlays, type in a terminal, as root:

layman -a oomidi

You can update at any time by typing, still as root:

layman -s oomidi

Don't forget to update your eix search function by typing, as root:


Our newest team member Goran Mekic organized this in a very short time indeed.

Thanks Goran!


Ten days after our release, and still going strong. A big thank you to the many users who helped out with spotting tweaks and a couple of bugs. We've update the tarball a couple of times already as a result of your excellent input. Your contribution is thoroughly appreciated, and we ask, keep it coming!


OOMidi is out, and we've already had a massive positive response to the release. We're working hard to catch any little tweaks we need to make, and we'll update the tarball as soon as we've done them.


OOM marches on, and the work behind the scenes continues. Rumour has it declassification will occur somewhere near October the 1st........


A quick update for users that we're working hard in the background, finetuning OOM, to improve the stability, and daily useability of OOM.


We've been updating steadily, but we'd like to mention one in particular.

Nedko Arnaudov has supplied a patch to enable Ladish Level 1 in OOM2.

Many Thanks Nedko.

for more information about the LADI session handler, pay a visit to:
