UNIX port of Open Cubic Player, which is a text-based player with some few graphical views. Visual output can be done through nCurses, Linux console (VCSA + FrameBuffer), X11 or SDL/SDL2. It can be compiled on various different unix based operating systems.
Amiga style modules files with more:
- *.AMS, Velvet Studio
- *.DMF, X-Tracker
- *.IT, Impulse Tracker or use the modern Schism Tracker
- *.MDL, DigiTrakker, now developed as MilkyTracker
- *.MOD, ProTracker or use the modern ProTracker Clone
- *.MTM, MultiTracker Module Editor
- *.NST, NoiseTracker
- *.OKT, Oktalyzer
- *.PTM, PolyTracker
- *.STM, Scream Tracker 2
- *.S3M, Scream Tracker 3
- *.ULT, Ultra Tracker
- *.WOW, Grave Composer
- *.XM, FastTracker 2 or use the modern FastTracker 2 Clone
- *.669, Composer 669
Code from STYMulator to play music from Atari ST (Yamaha YM2149):
- *.YM
Fork of libsidplayfp to play music from C64 (SID 6581/8580):
- *.SID
Code from aylet to play music from ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC (Yamaha YM2149):
- *.AY
Audio Files (both compressed and PCM styled):
- *.WAV
- *.OGG
- *.FLAC
- *.MP2
- *.MP3
Audio CDs: Linux support only, using digital read out API
- *.CDA
Fork of TiMidity++ is used to play MIDI:
- *.MID
AdPlug can read a wide range of music formats designed for the OPL2/OPL3 Adlib sound chip. Examples:
- *.HSC
- *.SNG
- *.D00
- *.ADL
- *.VGM
- *.RAD Reality Adlib Tracker
HivelyTracker tracked music, using code from the original tracker repository:
- *.HVL Hively Tracker
- *.AHX
escesc: exit the program
alt + k: List the available keyshort-cuts in the current view
Note: if letters are capital, press them with shift
Enter: next file from the playlist, if playlist is empty it opens the file-browser
f: File-browser
a: Text FFT analyzer, A: toggle FFT analyzer, tab, toggle colors
c: Text Channel viewer
t: Text Track viewer
g: Lo-Res FFT analyzer + history G: High-Res FFT analyzer + history
b: Phase viewer
o: Oscilloscope
v: Peak power level
m: Volume control
x / alt + x: Extended mode / normal mode toggle
Backspace: Toggle filter
f1: Online Help
f2: Lower Volume
f3: Increase Volume
f4: Toggle Surround
f5: Panning left
f6: Panning right
f7: Balance left
f8: Balance right
f9: Decrease playback speed
f10: Increase playback speed
\: Toggle pitch/speed lock (if fileformat makes this possible)
f11: Decrease playback pitch
f12: Increase playback pitch
alt + e: Edit meta-information
alt + i: Toggle file-list columns (long filename, title, etc.)
alt + c: Opens a system options list
Insert: Add to playlist
Delete: Remove from playlist
Tab: Move cursor between filelist and playlist
brew install ocp
If you use liboss, you might need to edit /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/liboss.pc
and remove -Wno-precomp
(liboss 0.0.1 is known to be broken and crashes, so I discourage the use of liboss)
To configure Darwin, my experience is that you need to run configure like this:
PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include CXXFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include CPPCXXFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include ./configure
and optionally add things like --prefix
To get curses up and running with colors, you need to run ocp like this
TERM=xterm-color ocp-curses