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Create Lightly prediction files with custom prediction models

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Custom Prediction Models

Code to create Lightly predictions with ONNX object detection models.


Install dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt



  1. Get an ONNX model to use for predictions. See here for supported models.
  2. Create a config file to specify the input and output format of the ONNX model. This is required for doing the right pre and postprocessing.
  3. Prepare a directory with images for which you want to create predictions.
  4. Run the prediction script with the config file.
  5. Finally, images with the bounding boxes overlayed are saved in the output directory. If the bounding boxes are as expected, it means that the model and config were used correctly.

First, Download or create ONNX model weights for the model you want to use. The supported models are listed here. Any ONNX model that has the same input and output nodes as one of the supported models can be used.

Next, copy one of the example configs in the configs directory and adapt it to your needs. See here how to do this. In most cases you only need to change two settings:

  • The path to the ONNX model weights.
  • The schema of the prediction task. This must contain all categories from the model.

Next, prepare a directory with images for which you want to create predictions. The images can be in any format supported by PIL. If you don't have any images, the script will automatically download some example COCO images for you.

Note: The script is not optimized for large datasets and loads one image at a time.

Finally, run the prediction script with:

python \
    --image-dir "path/to/images" \
    --output-dir "outputs" \
    --model-config "configs/my_config.json"

Relative paths are resolved relative to the current working directory.

After running the script, the output directory will contain Lightly prediction files and plots of the original images with the Lightly predictions. A new output directory is created if --output-dir is omitted. Every run of the script will create a new subdirectory with the current timestamp in the output directory.


Any ONNX model that has the same input and output nodes as one of the supported models can be used. Lightly automatically infers the input image size from the model.

Note: Only object detection models are supported for now!


Follow the steps here to export the model to ONNX:

We recommend to export including NMS.

Default config: configs/wongkinyiu_yolov7.json


    Array with shape (1, 3, H, W).


    Array with shape (num_predictions, 7). Dim 1 of array contains
    [batch_index, x0, x1, y0, y1, confidence, class_index].


Follow the steps here to export the model to ONNX:

The exported model does not include NMS. Remember to add nms postprocessing to the config file!

Default config: configs/ultralytics_ultralytics_yolov8.json


    Array with shape (1, 3, H, W).


    Array with shape (1, 4 + num_categories, num_predictions). Dim 1 of array
    contains [cx, cy, w, h, confidence_category_0, ..., confidence_category_n].


The config file contains all the information needed to run the prediction script. The configuration flags are explained below:

    // required
    // Prediction model. Currently supports:
    // - WongKinYiu/yolov7
    // - ultralytics/ultralytics:yolov8
    // This flag is required for Lightly to provide images in the right format to the
    // model and convert the model output to Lightly predictions.
    "model": "WongKinYiu/yolov7",

    // required
    // Format of the model. Currently only supports ONNX.
    "format": "onnx",

    // required
    // Path to the ONNX model weights. Currently only supports a local path. Relative 
    // paths are resolved relative to the current working directory.
    "path": "models/wongkinyiu_yolov7_tiny.onnx",

    // required
    // Lightly prediction task definition. Follows the same format as Lightly
    // predictions uploaded the a datasource, see
    "task": {
        // Task name, will be used for selection and displayed on the Lightly Platform.
        "name": "my-prediction-task",

        // Prediction schema described in
        // Must contain all categories from the model.
        "schema": {
            // Task type, must be "object-detection" for now.
            "task_type": "object-detection",
            "categories": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "name": "person"
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "bicycle"

    // optional
    // Preprocessing steps applied to the image before passing it to the model.
    "preprocess": {
        // Normalization parameters. Images are converted to RGB and scaled to
        // [0, 1] before normalization. By default no normalization is applied.
        "normalize": {
            "mean": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            "std": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

    // optional
    // Postprocessing steps applied to the model outputs before converting them to
    // Lightly predictions. By default no postprocessing is applied.
    "postprocess": {

        // Keeps only predictions with a confidence score above the threshold.
        // By default no threshold is applied.
        "confidence_threshold": 0.0,

        // Non-maximum suppression parameters. By default no NMS is applied.
        // Set this if your ONNX model does not already apply NMS or if you want to
        // be more selective than the model.
        "nms": {
            "iou_threshold": 0.0


Create Lightly prediction files with custom prediction models






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