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A flexible assertion framework for web pages

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DOM-PP is a library for writing assertions about elements in a web page. It complements classical unit libraries such as Mocha and JSDOM in three ways:

  1. Conditions can be written at a higher level of abstraction, using a range of predefined functions including quantifiers and path selectors
  2. When a condition fails, DOM-PP returns a result that provides a detailed explanation of what elements of the page cause the error, and why.
  3. Conditions are objects instead of code, which means they can manipulated and passed as arguments.

An example

To illustrate the use of DOM-PP, suppose you want to check this simple condition through a unit test:

"All items of list #mylist must have a width of at least 100 pixels"

Doing so with DOM-PP, in conjunction with Mocha and JSDOM, goes as follows:

var dom = ... // Load page
var cond = TestCondition.create(
  ForAll("$x", "#mylist>li", IsGreaterThan(Width("$x"), 100)));

Without DOM-PP, the condition would need to be written as plain JS code:

var dom = ... // Load page
var elements = dom.querySelectorAll("#mylist>li");
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  var win = this.getOwnerWindow(elements[i]);

This does not represent much more code in this simple example, but the DOM-PP condition arguably conveys the developer's intent at a higher level of abstraction than the second option.

In both cases, the only result you get, in case of an error, is that there is an error. It would be much more useful if the test could at least point to the elements that cause the error --for example by providing their path in the page. In DOM-PP, you do:

var dom = ... // Load page
var cond = TestCondition.create(
  ForAll("$x", "#mylist>li", IsGreaterThan(Width("$x"), 100)));

THe only addition is the call to showWitnesses() at the end of expectVerdict. Suppose that the second and third element of the list violate the condition; this would produce the following output:

Width of #mylist/li[2]
Width of #mylist/li[3]

How do you get this in plain Mocha? Since a test stops at the first error, one must modify the code as follows:

var dom = ... // Load page
var elements = dom.querySelectorAll("#mylist>li");
var errors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  var win = this.getOwnerWindow(elements[i]);
  if (win.getComputedStyle(elements[i]).getPropertyValue("width")) {
    errors.push("Width of " + elements[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {

Things are getting slightly more involved --and note that this code snippet does not even print the actual CSS selector corresponding to each faulty element, but rather the element's name. Getting the element's path would require yet a few more lines of code. Also note that the feedback hardcodes the "width of" string, whereas DOM-PP's deduces that the width is involved directly from the condition supplied by the user.

Let's take this one level further, and consider this other simple condition:

"All items of list #mylist must be left-aligned."

With DOM-PP:

var dom = ... // Load page
var cond = TestCondition.create("All items are left-aligned",
  ForAllPairs("$x", "$y", "#mylist>li", Equals(Left("$x"), Left("$y")));

Suppose you have a list of three items, and that item 3 is not aligned with items 1 and 2; you get:

Left of #mylist/li[1], Left of #mylist/li[3]
Left of #mylist/li[2], Left of #mylist/li[3]

This time, each cause of the error involves two elements at a time, since an element is misaligned with respect to another element.

With plain Mocha/JSDOM, things start to get ugly:

var dom = ... // Load page
var elements = dom.querySelectorAll("#mylist>li");
var errors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  var win = this.getOwnerWindow(elements[i]);
  for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
    if (win.getComputedStyle(elements[i]).getPropertyValue("left")) 
      != (win.getComputedStyle(elements[j]).getPropertyValue("left")) {
    errors.push([elements[i], elements[j]]);
for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
  console.log("Left of " + errors[i][0] + ", Left of " + errors[i][1]);

This is why we say that DOM-PP allows the user to write simpler conditions, while getting more detailed feedback about violations for free.

Quick tutorial


The main type object in dom-pp is called a Function. As its name implies, a function is an object that can be evaluated: input arguments are passed to it, and return values are produced. However, function calls in dom-pp follow a slightly unusual syntax:

var f = new IsGreaterThan();
var v = f.evaluate(2, 1);

In this example, method evaluate of object q is called on two input arguments (the constants 2 and 1). Since function f is an assertion that can be either true or false, one would expect that v be a Boolean value. However, the value returned by the call is an instance of a special dom-pp class called Value. A value contains, among other things, the actual "value" of the return function; it can be obtained by calling its method get:

var b = f.get(); // b == true

What is the point of encapsulating this verdict inside another object? Well, the return value of the function is not the only thing that v contains; it also stores information about the call to the function that can explain its result. More on that later.


Since conditions are expressed on elements of a page, the first step is to select a set of such elements so that one can write assertions about them. This is done using either a universal or an existential quantifier.

The universal quantifier is called UniversalQuantifier; it is instantiated by passing three parameters to it:

  1. The first is a string containing the name of a variable called the quantified variable. By convention, quantified variables start with a dollar sign ($) --for example, $x.
  2. The second is a function called the domain function. It is the function used to extract from an input argument a list of objects. Typically in the context of DOM testing, that function is a CSS selector, and the objects are the various elements of the page corresponding to that selector.
  3. The third is another function called the condition. This function contains references to the quantified variable (e.g. $x), and is successively evaluated by replacing it by each object produced by the domain function.

For example, to assert that all elements in the CSS class foo have a width greater than 10, one would write:

var q = new UniversalQuantifier(
  new FindBySelector("foo"),
  new ComposedFunction(new IsGreaterThan(), "$x", 10)

We recognize in this call the three elements of the quantifier: $x is the quantified variable, the FindBySelector instance is the domain function, and the remaining argument is a function that checks that $x is greater than the constant 10.

Since a quantifier is also a function, it can be evaluated:

var body = document.getElementById("body");
var v = q.evaluate(body);
var b = v.get(); // either true or false

The universal quantifier expects the condition to be true for all values of $x. In constrast, the ExistentialQuantifier quantifier is created in the same way, but expects the condition to be true for at least one value of $x.

Quantifiers are similar to a construct that can be found in other testing frameworks, and spares the user from writing for loops to repeatedly evaluate a condition on a list of objects:

var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("foo");
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
  assert(elems[i].width > 10);

Using quantifiers also has another utility over straight loops, which will be discussed later.

Composing functions

In dom-pp, a function is an object taking input arguments and producing a Value. However, many conditions we need to express require the composition of simpler functions. The task of combining multiple functions together, and passing the output of one to the input of another, is done by another object called ComposedFunction.

Suppose you want to express the fact that

We have seen an example of a composed function in the code example above. The instantiation of the ComposedFunction inside the quantifier is the dom-pp equivalent of writing something like the following, in classical programming:

function g(x) {
  return x > 10;

In effect, the constructor produces a new function taking one argument, and comparing this argument to the value 10 using the IsGreaterThan function.

Composed functions can be nested; for example, it is possible to write that x+1 is greater than 10:

new ComposedFunction(new IsGreaterThan(),
  new ComposedFunction(new Addition(), "$x", 1),

The syntax for creating composed functions is as follows:

  • the first argument of the constructor is the top level function to be evaluated;
  • the remaining elements are the arguments passed to this function.

For example, in the code above, the function IsGreaterThan is passed two arguments: the first another ComposedFunction, while the second is the constant 10. Note that the number of arguments must match the input arity of the function: IsGreaterThan takes two arguments, so two functions must follow it in the constructor.

All together now

Composed functions and quantifiers form the core of dom-pp. In order to write complex assertions on elements of a page, one can mix these constructs with the existing functions provided by the library:

  • GreaterThan, GreaterOrEqual, LessThan, LesserOrEqual allow comparisons between numerical values;
  • conditions can be composed with Boolean connectives: BooleanAnd, BooleanOr, BooleanNot;
  • most CSS properties have functions of the same name, such as: Color, BorderColor, Display, FontSize, MarginBottom, PaddingLeft, etc.;
  • basic arithmetic operations are also provided, like Addition and Multiplication.

For example, in order to state that all "foo" elements have the same width:

var q = new UniversalQuantifier("$x", new FindBySelector("foo"),
  new UniversalQuantifier("$y", new FindBySelector("foo"),
    new ComposedFunction(new Equals(), "$x", "$y")));

The complete list of available function can be found in the auto-generated API documentation:

Explaining the result

We mentioned earlier that a function returns a special object called a Value, and not its return value directly. Another purpose of the Value object is that it can be used to generate a tree explaining the result produced by the function that returns it:

var tree = Explainer.explain(v);
var list = Verdict.getWitness(tree);

These instructions produce a list of instances of DesignatedObject. A designated object is a pair comprising an object, as well as something that refers to a part of this object (called a Designator). Taken together, the designated objects in the list represent one possible way of explaining the return value of the function contained in v.

On a DesignatedObject, it is possible to call method getObject to get a reference to the object, and getDesignator to obtain a reference to the part of the object that is being referred to. Finally, a textual representation of the designator can be obtained by calling method toString on the designator.

Installing and building DOM-PP

Git Clone

git clone


npm install


npm test


npm run coverage

Code style

npm run lint

Will write a style report in eslint.html (not versioned).

API Documentation

The following command will generate or update the API documentatation and store it into a folder called doc/jsdoc.

npm run doc

Compiling UMD builds for release

To generatte a browser friendly release build of the package, you can use the following commands:

Development build:

npm run build:umd

Production build (minified):

npm run build:umd.min

These will generate releaseable scripts in the dist/ directory.
It is important to note that the dist/index.umd.js is required to run the Puppeteer based tests. If the file does not exist when you attempt to run these tests, a verbose error message should be displayed, along with explanations on how to fix the issue.

Both of these commands should be ran before a new release of the package is published, to ensure that the UMD builds correspond to the same version as the ESM version of the package.

About the author

This library was written by Sylvain Hallé, full professor at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada. Part of this work has been funded by the Canada Research Chair in Software Specification, Testing and Verification and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by a MITACS Acceleration Grant, in collaboration with Eckinox Média.

The author would like to acknowledge the participation of Amadou Ba, Papa Alioune Fall, Abdoul Kader Kassa and Émile Perron to the development of this library.